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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27

@Bird mama 


I am so p..... off with Microsoft ... their techs do nothing but scre.. up when I ask for assistance.   Changing the mouse helped a little, and deleting some files, but the ****** OS is still a pain in the  ... well you get the picture.

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27

@magicmoodz   It spoke to me.  (Steel by Design)

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27

@Jtdmum wrote:

Good morning all.  Just in from a walk with my guy.  Apparently this one was too long for him, back leg is turning in.  Will have to cut them a bit shorter. 


Hope all are well, glad you're all on "summer break"- Whatever that constitutes these days! 


Out to do the yard work, then inside to I exciting or what! 


ps..Thanks @lolakimono for directing me to that post.  Unbelieveable on all angles. 


Yes, unbelievable for sure.  Cat Mad


RE "summer break", here's what it looks like so far.

The kids finished last Thursday, but I gave them until 4 to turn in work (grades were due on Friday).  Thursday after hours they released our PD options, and by 7:30 p.m. most sessions were already full.


I spent time after hours grading on Thursday, then on Friday we tuned into two hours of PD with 7K people on a YouTube live video, with virtual chat rooms in Google Meets.  That was a nightmare.  There was a lot of "buffering" going on and our chat rooms were like 20 people, so if anyone other than one person had their microphone on, we got horrible feedback.  We had to have both tabs open simultaneously so that the presenter could talk, pose a "case study" and then we could retreat into the chat room to discuss.  Then we could hear the presenter in other people's tabs giving the two minute warning, so it was awkward and technologically poor.  It makes me wonder how they think it would be with 35 students during eLearning on a Google Meet, all muted, because people can't have their microphones on at the same time.


Monday I began working on curricular overlays, that are due on June 30 before the fiscal year ends.  I couldn't work on them during "work" hours since they are extra pay.  I have to write three lessons to connect something we currently do in the curriculum with a public service connection.  I only get paid for 3 hours for the first one, and then the other two are paid at less money, probably because they think that we will move faster once the format is familiar.  Each lesson probably takes closer to 8 hours because I have to reach out to community members to see if they want to partner and find resources that accompany the lesson.   


I had to complete a Google Form for each lesson, but when the person in charge sent it to me, there was only one screen of required information that I had to enter before I could proceed to see what the rest of the information was that I would have to type in.  She ended up preparing a template in Word which was easier to work in, but then I still had to copy every line into the Google Form.Cat Frustrated



On Tuesday I went to school to work a half day, to finish out my "required" hours as DC.  We had to schedule our days because we weren't all allowed to be in the buildings at the same time.  I got a memo at the beginning of June that my French teacher's books/workbooks needed to be sent back to the warehouse because they were phased out due to copyright.  Of course, about six weeks ago we were called into the building to close up the rooms.  It was a big secret because no other teachers were allowed in, just the "special" teachers who had ASBESTOS in the classrooms.  When we got there after our 24 hour notice, the items that were in classroom closets were gone, already packed up by the custodians.  They took the boxes and stored them in the student bathrooms.  Did you guess already that the French textbooks that I needed to find were stacked somewhere in unlabeled boxes in a bathroom?  On Tuesday, when I went in, there was no air conditioning, because they only put AC on in the main office in the summer, so the custodians and contractors can get heatstroke.  I was up on the third floor, in a semi dark space, standing in toilet stalls with a custodian trying to find these boxes.  After I came home, my goose was cooked and the rest of the day was all about AC and hydration.


Wednesday and Thursday I wrote the other two lessons, and Friday I organized the 50 double sided pages of readings that I need to do for my 15 hours of classwork next Monday-Thursday.  I also did engaging trainings about sexual harrassment and bloodborne pathogens for four hours on Thursday.



We have to do 20 hours of PD to make up for the time when the district wasn't prepared to go to eLearning so we received instructions to take care of ourselves and our families, but also use the time to take PD, catch up on grading, plan lessons, post enrichment activities for students, and keep in touch with parents.


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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27

@SoX   In my opinion Windows 10 is really intrusive.  When I read the reviews for my HP laptop everyone said it was fabulous and set up was easy.  Some folks used the office depot staff to set it up.  I thought, wow, this is for me.


I brought that laptop home and went through 98% of every available setting (found the other 1-2% since) and turned off so much stuff it's not funny.  My set up took 3 hours Woman LOL


And Cortana - whoo, I can't remove her however I was able to stifle her.

There are many elements: wind, fire, water
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27



Between my phone and tablet, no issues for me, except the font change which seems to be back to normal now.

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27

[ Edited ]

@Bird mama 


I'm not falling for that tele-appointment, either ... either I come in at some point or you won't see me.   


I'm still laughing at your "OK Boomer" reference ... I have a good retort if you want one ... two words.

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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27


Hmmm...thank you.
IDK...I may just need to go back to laptop...many things have been slower here.🥰
~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27

@SoX   I've never been the most social of butterflies, lol.  Since the pandemic reached Michigan I haven't been trapped in any one place with unfamiliar people.  When I go to the store, I go early and am on the move.  I do u-scan and I keep it moving.  My sister came over for Memorial Day and we had a good socially distanced good time (she's essential and reports to work).


The thought of going to see the doctor and having to interact with people that I don't know from a can of paint (I only go once a year) is giving me a touch of anxiety, lol.



There are many elements: wind, fire, water
But none quite like the element of surprise
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27

[ Edited ]

Good morning all Optimum is having issues so Alexa is playing Queen. My brother came over for a BBQ first time I have seen him since March, good food nice company, we grilled and ate out back, lots of fun. Have a 3PM nail appointment at an uber swanky place right now for me cleanliness is key 


PS switched to good Ole Frank Sinatra

Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: A.M. Style Live Chat, 7:00, 6/27

@lolakimono @Bird mama @SoX @magicmoodz 


As usual, my ideas and Microsoft's (as well regarding the way teaching field is run) differ. Of course, they never ask me!😹


"Cortana" oh yes, I do remember THAT. So I threw in the towel about that time, several years ago.


lolakimono... @lolakimono  your schedule makes me tired just reading it! I barely survived the dust and pain of end of year room cleaning...and putting away. Cannot imagine being in a stall and searching in boxes w/o ac.😿🦾

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~