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Has anyone installed this yet?  Any issues? Should I go ahead and install? TIA.  LM

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No problems here.

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Posts: 651
Registered: ‎02-08-2016

So far so good.One macbook is to old and ot capmtiable, but the one I use for everything is. Just back everything up first.

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I made the change and found some of my old applications, etc. did not work with Mojave. Best bet is to stay with your current operating system until you are forced to change. 

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I make every upgrade when they come out. If you keep up with the upgrades, you might have fewer problems. I never have a problem, but where I work our tech department is always on top of things. They are the ones who tell all of us to make sure we don't skip an upgrade. 


They also make sure we do all the updates for Microsoft Suite (Word, PowerPoint, and Excel), so when we upgrade the IOS, Microsoft is in sync.

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Prior to downloading, go to to make sure your software/apps you use are compatible w/Mojave.

If you find any that are not compatible, either update your apps and/or go to the vendors website to confirm if Mojave compatible.



I am still using Sierra because the games I play are not compatible.  Have never had any issues for not upgrading an OS.  All I do is keep up w/the security updates.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Thanks @Mz iMac@World Traveler@StylishLady@wildlifewitch@MarkeieMark, I appreciate the feedback!  LM

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Registered: ‎09-05-2014

I am considering purchasing a Macbook, although I've never had one. I don't know anything about the operating systems , but I do know from my iPhones that as the systems upgrade, eventually they stop working/ have the ability to upgrade. My ipad is so old that it can't upgrade past ios10


I noticed most of the Macbooks Qvc has are high sierra, but the new is Mojave? What are the main differences (other than, I'm sure, the newer ones need much more speed and storage to support)?


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Re: MacBook Pro and Mojave

[ Edited ]

@Quse wrote:

I don't know anything about the operating systems , but I do know from my iPhones that as the systems upgrade, eventually they stop working/ have the ability to upgrade. My ipad is so old that it can't upgrade past ios10


Not true when it comes to OS (computers).  Mobile devices (your iPhone & iPad)=iOS.

Apples & Oranges.  Both operate differently & are NOT the same.


My 2012 silver keyed MBP is still running Snow Leopard w/o any issues.  Apple stopped supporting that OS 2014.  I have no intention of upgrading to the last OS w/that model.

On my iMac, I am still running Sierra as stated in my previous posting in this thread. 


I do not own a cell phone & have no intention to getting one.


I'm gonna wait on the iPads until you can use a mouse w/it.  Not gonna hold my breath on that.

"Never argue with a fool. Onlookers may not be able to tell the difference."


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Registered: ‎02-02-2015

@Quse You are correct. Upgrading to the latest version almost always means it has a faster processor. But they also fix "bugs" that are frequently involved when they launch new versions and also give you new features.


I use Quicken for my banking and I didn't want to upgrade because I had a simple version that worked fine for me. After about three upgrades they issued, and I did not join in and upgrade, I finally HAD to in order for some of my banking activities to work seamlessly. And it cost me to purchase their latest version more than if I would have just kept upgrading.


So, sometimes you just don't have a choice. I prefer to keep up with the upgrades so I slowly, but surely, get used to any changes they put into their software.