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I'm getting a little flashing thingy telling me about a Java Auto Updater from Oracle America, I don't know squat about this stuff, did some googling and reading different information, some sites say it's important to do it, some say don't, some say remove it from your computer completely if you don't need it. I don't what to do, I'm baffled, and yes I'm as close to being computer illiterate as you can get and still manage to find my way here! For the most part when I read all your posts about computer stuff I'm like "huh?" Is there a simple answer like Yes do it or No don't?

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I hope you get an answer as I am getting the message, too.....I am lost when it comes to electronics....other then opening the lid to my computer ....there is where my knowledge ends....

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Get Norton 360 Virus Protection. Scan your computer sometimes and when you get a request to update Norton will tell you if its fake. You don't have to know much. Its just click on a scan button to occasionally check. Most times it will do it automatically. I've had great luck with Norton. It simplifies it for people like you and me.

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Well I do have McAfee Security Center which I notice sometimes is running scans. One of my fears is if I click on permission to update this java thing then I don't know what happens next, does it do it on it's own, will it ask me any questions or to pick options or what the heck, in which case I might start crying, ahaaha. Another reason it scares me is because I was reading the thread about the dangers in the Flash update thing being dangerous and I had just given the okay last week for that one to update so I went into a tizzy over having done that but so far I don't seem to be having any problems from doing it. I so much enjoy having the computer but on the other hand I hate having it because my knowledge is so limited and I get scared I'm going to screw something up. My husband got this computer a few years back and got it all set up and was knowledgeable about these things on it but unfortunately he's passed away so here I am enjoying the limited amount of things I know how to do but fearful of making a dreadful mistake.

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Updating Java is important. Not just for security reasons, but there's a lot of things you can't do without it. If you don't want to click on the notification, just go directly to their site to download the update.

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Caffeina Thank You. And no doubt this is a dumb question but.....I looked at that Java site and where it says Version 8 Update 25 then Free Java Download, I just click on that and it does it? Are any other prompts or questions going to come up? And same questions if I opt to click on the permission on the notification to do it? And how do I know when it's done?

I just came back to edit this post. I just noticed that little orange notification thingy isn't on the bottom of my screen anymore, I suspect it'll be back though sooner or later.

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Please don't assume that just because your computer is working fine now that you didn't "get infected." A "bad" computer virus (meaning the bad guys did their job wrong) makes your computer really slow and otherwise forces you to notice it. If that happens you usually do something to remove the virus and it's out of business. It doesn't stay on your computer long enough to do the damage they want it to.

A really good computer virus/malware/hacker will run in the background without you even noticing. There may be some clues but especially if you aren't tech savvy you will probably blame yourself. You may think you set a different home page in your browser, or you need a restart because things seem a little slow, you see something flash on your screen before you can read it but then think it was just in your head, etc. Danger Will Robinson! You may be infected!

As previously noted, never click on the popups. You shouldn't even click the "X" in the upper right corner to close it. If you can, right-click the icon at the bottom of your screen and select the "Close" option. That's the safest way I know to close a window with a popup.

I'm sure others here have good ideas and I'm hoping to read them. I think I will post my own thread about a Chrome issue if you want to read and share on that one too.


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On 12/17/2014 shaggygirl said:

Caffeina Thank You. And no doubt this is a dumb question but.....I looked at that Java site and where it says Version 8 Update 25 then Free Java Download, I just click on that and it does it? Are any other prompts or questions going to come up? And same questions if I opt to click on the permission on the notification to do it? And how do I know when it's done?

I just came back to edit this post. I just noticed that little orange notification thingy isn't on the bottom of my screen anymore, I suspect it'll be back though sooner or later.

When you click on it, the file will download to where ever you normally choose to send those types of downloads to. Then you click on the downloaded file and the installation will begin. You'll be asked (see pic) if you want Ask as your default search, and to make Ask your home page. If you don't want them, uncheck the boxes and click Next.

The little coffee cup icon will stop popping up after you've updated. It doesn't have to be present unless yu want to download by clicking on it.

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Registered: ‎11-24-2011

THANK YOU EVER SO MUCH!! I really do appreciate you taking the time to give the info!

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I would unclick those little boxes that permit them to install Ask as your default provider and home page. And they will also change your tool bar if you don't watch it.