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Registered: ‎07-22-2018

If you have an Apple device, it's pretty easy if you get the verification code via text messaging. I use my iPad for most everything. I can get texts and phone calls on my iPad. When a verification code comes in (I'm still on the verification page of the website), I make sure that the cursor is blinking where the code is supposed to be inputted, the code shows up as a text message but it also shows just on top of the keyboard, I touch it, and it fills in automatically. You just have to make sure that you have it set for your iPad to receive texts & calls from your iPhone settings. If that doesn't work, I do as others, check on another device for the code and input it manually. 

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Posts: 811
Registered: ‎08-05-2018

  • What I do they give you a few ways of receiving verification, so I pick send  verification to my cellphone.That way the page stays on screen and I don't lose it.Took me awhile to figure out how not to lose page this works great for me.

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I had to do that last night.  I couldn't get on my doctors site so had to open a computer that has Vista, not mine, and got the code this way.  I only use a computer. I'm going to get an Iphone soon.  

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I tried everything.  I bookmarked the code page, didn't work.  I went into my history, didn't work.  I copied and tried to paste it but couldn't get back to the page I needed.  When I get the new phone I'll put that in to text.  I can understand verification but a password was enough for years.  Just makes it harder for seniors.  My granddaughter is going to help me with the new phone.  My daughter doesn't have the patience.  

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OPEN A NEW TAB!!!!!  USE THE NEW TAB TO GO TO YOUR E-MAIL AND GET THE CODE!  Or, have the code sent to your phone message app or e-mail app. 

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You could use two separate browser in Windows, let's, say Chrome or Microsoft Edge.


Two separate devices, smartphone and computer. 


An mail account that uses an icon like Gmail or Yahoo. 

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I always use 2-step verification. Just recently my PayPal account was hacked and at the time I wasn't using the 2-step verif. It's not 100% fail-safe but every bit helps.

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My motto has always been, "Write it down."


You learn that in an office..Quickly!