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@Whiskeygirl72 wrote:

I placed an order on 11/7, today its 12/5 and still have not received my order.  Have contacted QVC via messenger a few times to get an update. All I keep getting is "its on its way".... really? By snail mail obviously. I looked at the update today and it showed that 12/1 it was shipped next day air. I have no idea what's going on am and really sick of contacting them and trying to figure out what's going on. At this point in time I've pretty much given up on my order, I doubt I will even get a refund. Luckily it wasn't too expensive, but that's beside the point. Don't think I will ever be shopping QVC again. Very disappointed with everything from the customer service to the way this has all been handled.

Read the post on upset and dissapointed.  She is going through hell and they keep charging her.  It's awful, poor woman.

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Posts: 2
Registered: ‎12-25-2021
I get that there are shipping delays & can understand that, but why can they send an update ever 2 weeks until Dec, then an automated update to my email every week in Dec?
When I look on the QVC order status, it is ever changing with a shipping and delivery date and then all of a sudden something called an "advanced order" pops up. What in the world is that? Is it like a back order? If so, why not call it a back order? I ordered my gift item in early Nov and I have to live chat because I have end stage throat cancer ( no, I never smoked) and cannot talk. The agent told me it would be shipping " soon" and I ended the chat still not understanding why my order was labeled " advanced order" or what it meant or when or if it would be shipping before Christmas!
So I ordered something else just in case & sure enough, the day before Christmas, my original gift order was still in "advanced order" status. So I cancelled it.
The order I did send , unfortunately, did not fit my sister & she said there wasn't a label in the box to return for exchange. I live chatted with Brittany, who told me that even though the advertisement when I bought it was free return/exchange, it was void if the gift recipient was exchanging them & not me, the purchaser.
???. That doesn't seem right, but I moved forward with a solution & asked her if I could Pre-pay for the shipping so she won't have to pay for her own gift to be sent back (embarrassing for me) and she said no & didn't offer any other solutions to resolve. I asked to chat with a supervisor & she said they didn't do that but I could fill out a survey when finished, to which I did and never heard a peep from anyone at QVC. I just get emails every day wanting me to buy more products and that makes me even angrier at the callus customer treatment.
Then I had another gift order, early Dec that assured it was in stock & would be there before Christmas. Time goes by, then one week before Christmas, I get a notice that my order was cancelled. No explanation, just cancelled.
Ive always like QVC for their quality products, but now I don't trust them to deliver, keep me updated in the delivery process, or have fair customer service. Both are equally important & if I can't have those two , then I don't need to be shopping with QVC. Now, I have to explain all of this to my husband, who has no patience dealing with things like this so that he can call QVC on Monday to talk to a supervisor.