QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,505
Registered: ‎10-12-2015

@njoylife wrote:

I'm hoping it's an isolated incident too Barb.  Any idea if you can see if I'm signed up to receive the electronic link to the Insider? I used to get it until January of this year. Once January came I no longer receive the link to the insider. I've checked my email preferences and there isn't anything to select getting the Insider link. 

Hi @njoylife


It appears that your email preferences are now set up to receive the email version of the InsideQ as well.  As with the paper copy, please let us know if you receive the electronic link for the December issue.  



Customer Care

Posts: 38
Registered: ‎04-02-2010

You're wonderful Barb!  I appreciate your help! Thanks for helping me! 

Frequent Contributor
Posts: 75
Registered: ‎09-17-2010
@barb-QVC, Hi Barb, I didn't receive my November issue either. This is the first time I haven't received it. I haven't received my hard copy December issue either but they might not have shipped yet? Can you please check on this for me? I too don't get the email version anymore and not sure why that stopped. I would greatly appreciate it if you could check these things for me. Thank you! :-)
QVC Customer Care
Posts: 1,505
Registered: ‎10-12-2015

@End of October wrote:
@barb-QVC, Hi Barb, I didn't receive my November issue either. This is the first time I haven't received it. I haven't received my hard copy December issue either but they might not have shipped yet? Can you please check on this for me? I too don't get the email version anymore and not sure why that stopped. I would greatly appreciate it if you could check these things for me. Thank you! :-)

Hi @End of October


I am sorry your November issue did not arrive.  The December issues should start arriving in homes between the 20th and 27th of this month so hopefully you will receive yours.  I just checked your email preferences and it looks like they were just updated so that you should start receiving the electronic issue now.  If you do not receive your December issue in the mail and/or if you do not start receiving the electronic version, please let us know so that we can research this further.


Have a great day!  



Customer Care

Valued Contributor
Posts: 633
Registered: ‎06-04-2010

@Barbara-QVC wrote:

@Suziqzee wrote:

I used to receive the Insider online but haven't, for several months.  I sometimes get the paper one in the mail, but I would so much rather have e-mail access again. 


Does anyone have a link?


Hi @Suziqzee


Unfortunately we do not have a link that we can provide but I did go in and update your email preferences so that you should start receiving the online version of the InsideQ.



Customer Care

Thank you for your reply, Barb. I'm still not receiving e-mails with the Inside-Q newsletter.  Can you help, please?