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Cat Mad  REALLY!!!  NO Shipping to OHIO!!  I know there are issues with shipping to Alaska and Hawaii but OHIO!  I found the perfect gift for My 14 Year old Niece who has been having a hard time, its something she has been wanting and I actually have the Money to purchase it right now and then it says NO shipping to My state...That really sucks!!

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Do you mean there's no shipping of any merchandise to Ohio? That seems unbelievable!!!

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

what is the item?

it probably has to do with some laws in OHIO......for which you should blame the voters or the state rather than qvc.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
QVC Customer Care
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Registered: ‎10-12-2015

Hi @spend4zen


If you could please provide us with the item number that you are interested in, we can check to see if it has any restrictions on shipping.





Customer Care

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@spend4zenBecause you didn't give us a clue about the item, I'm thinking QVC is obeying an Ohio law.


I really don't know how to assess any blame.  It's certainly not a company's privilege to ship what voters/legislators have rejected.   Or did you get caught in a werird glitch?

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@sunshine45 wrote:

what is the item?

it probably has to do with some laws in OHIO......for which you should blame the voters or the state rather than qvc.

That's my guess, too. It's a good idea to be aware of state and local ordinances that might affect you. And if you don't like them, you should know the names of your state representatives so that you can contact them, because QVC can't change your state laws.


If you don't know who your state legislators are, Ohio has an online resource to help you out:

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I live in Ohio.  I've been shopping with QVC since 1995 and have never had an issue with anything being shipped to me. 


I'm very curious to find out what the item is.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

i remember when joan rivers had her readers......there were some states where they could not be shipped and a lot of people were complaining, but it had nothing to do with qvc, it had everything to do with the sale of over the counter eye glasses.


more recently, a poster was complaining about a keurig that could not be shipped to his home. i do believe it had to do with the coffee that was included. prop65 in california requires coffees to have warning labels.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Registered: ‎11-24-2013

I've seen this same situation on the now-defunct Amazon board.


There were complaints about a certain item that could not be shipped to California due to laws there about the components of the item. Don't recall the details but this situation is not uncommon.


What was the item you wanted to order? Will the OP tell us?

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Posts: 70,514
Registered: ‎03-10-2010

There was a time when I couldn't order a Cheesecake Factory cheesecake sent to New Mexico.  Seems as though there was a small local restaurant by the same name who had the name first.  Through some legal action the larger company agreed not to sell in or ship to NM.  The drop down boxes on their website didn't even have NM on them.


Finally the owners of the local company retired and gave up the name.  Now we have a big, shiny, new Cheesecake Factory restaurant at the mall.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment