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I think there are some voices that are pretty much totally annoying to 90% of the population.

And a few of them are on shopping channels!

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It would be impossible to find someone who is going to please all viewers.

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On 12/10/2014 Vamp said:

It would be impossible to find someone who is going to please all viewers.


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Registered: ‎04-06-2013

i love sandras voice. it's so soothing that it puts me to sleep. not good for buying but great for relaxation.

"If I am not for myself, who will be for me? But if I am only for myself, who am I? If not now, when?" Hillel
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I much agree. I used to watch the Silver shows many years ago, but always turned off the sound, as it droves me crazy. The same with a certain "business woman" who tjirps, and dances, even too much to just watch, so I may lose some nice opportunities in what she offers. For now 3 of her things are going back, so they should also be careful who they call successful.


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I have been saying that for years. I enjoy voices like Lisa M. Lisa R., and VPR.

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

can't agree more, particularly in/re women hosts. as a woman in business i learned to modulate and lower my voice as usually women's voices rise when excited/enthusiastic. this is either grating - or distracting - definitely not helpful in making a point. voice coaching is in order .

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The carney barker mentality is really grating. When one is selling the same products over and over there isn't much new you can say, but the shouting and screeching the salespeople resort to makes it worse.

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I just shut them off. I agree with everyone else's comments regarding the screeching noise.

Now, I only look at the "Items Recently On Air" to see if there would be anything I'm interested in.