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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

On 6/19/2014 Caravaggio said:
On 6/19/2014 SydneyH said:

I know Vicki has her detractors, but lately she seems to making more sense on the show. How does Tamra think she can lie about telling Heather about David's email? Why is Heather ousting Shannon from her home?

I agree as a detractor of the Vickster she has been the voice of reason so far.

Also agree about Tamra and the email. But why would Heather say anything to David about it? I think that is what I saw for the up coming show.

We haven't seen much of Brooks yet though!

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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

On 6/19/2014 terrier3 said:

We haven't seen much of Brooks yet though!

True, but is he any worse than let's say Momma Joyce? As long as he limits his interactions with Vicki's kids, he should be able to date her 'safely', lol.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

I don't blame Shanon's husband for leaving. That woman is too weird and crazy to live with...


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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

On 6/19/2014 KatieB said:

I don't blame Shanon's husband for leaving. That woman is too weird and crazy to live with...


She also treats him like dirt on national TV.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

On 6/19/2014 SydneyH said:
On 6/19/2014 terrier3 said:

We haven't seen much of Brooks yet though!

True, but is he any worse than let's say Momma Joyce? As long as he limits his interactions with Vicki's kids, he should be able to date her 'safely', lol.

I think they break up for good by the end of this season...fireworks to come!

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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

On 6/19/2014 terrier3 said:
On 6/19/2014 KatieB said:

I don't blame Shanon's husband for leaving. That woman is too weird and crazy to live with...


She also treats him like dirt on national TV.


"friends don't let friends drink white zinfandel"
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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

I know that if I were married to Shannon, I'd leave her! She does nothing but complain. My DH gets up at 5 am everyday to go to work and he needs to go to be early to get a good nights sleep. I only work part time but we treat each other with respect, don't compain and whine to each other constantly. Life has it's up and downs and we work together to handle them. These people are all crazy!

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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

Who knows if Shannon was really "half crocked" when she kissed her girls good-night? It looked to me like she was pouring some vodka into a glass of water. Not to mention, let's not forget this is a scripted reality show as some people like to remind us all the time. Wink It wasn't like she was falling down, stumbling, slurring her words, etc.

Now that Shannon got the message from David that he thinks he should move out, she has realized she needs to try and fix things. Now she's scared. Hopefully it's not too late.

But what kind of guy doesn't deliver that news face to face? What a loser.

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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

On 6/20/2014 LipstickDiva said:

Who knows if Shannon was really "half crocked" when she kissed her girls good-night? It looked to me like she was pouring some vodka into a glass of water. Not to mention, let's not forget this is a scripted reality show as some people like to remind us all the time. Wink It wasn't like she was falling down, stumbling, slurring her words, etc.

Now that Shannon got the message from David that he thinks he should move out, she has realized she needs to try and fix things. Now she's scared. Hopefully it's not too late.

But what kind of guy doesn't deliver that news face to face? What a loser.

What kind of a woman, especially a mom, would want other people to perceive her as a drunk? She has had straight vodka on several plenty of shots.

I think they are portraying her as a lonely woman in a bad marriage with a drinking problem.

Even if it was just for TV, I wouldn't want my kid's friends, parents and teachers to see me in that light...for what? for "fame"?????

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Re: the real housewives of orange county....6/16/14.....with "news",spoilers,gossip

I'm SO sick of Tamra & her phony crying & pot-stirring. She looks hard & acts like a nut-ball. She needs to go. I'm tired of looking at her black-hole eyes.

Shannon seems like a decent person, but I think she's out of touch with reality, & is a total control freak. I can't believe she complains that she only gets to spend 3-4 hours a day with her what? She claims she's keeps a tight handle on her finances, then states how much this or that costs (ALL ridiculous). I think Shannon & Vickster are 2 of a kind. I feel sorry for her husband. I don't think he feels comfortable living in all that unnecessary excess.