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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

[ Edited ]

Beautiful pics, Beachmom!  The reality of the 1950s and early 1960s was so different from the vacation shots--so much anxiety (Cold War, fear of  nuclear attack, disagreements about civil rights, sexism). 


But these pictures also tell of a joyous part despite all these struggles.  That couple were so  _photogenic_! 

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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

Beautiful pictures. But, now we know they cover deceit.


Old money has a way of doing things that isn't always right, the surface looks good but.....

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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

@Mothertrucker wrote:

@Hayfield wrote:

Once thing I noticed about the pictures, there is no hand holding and while Jackie will look at Jack in a loving way, you never see him look that way at her.  When a man's in love he at least will look at the woman he loves in that certain way. 

wow! you saw it totally differently than I did...


Back in 1953 public displays of affection were frowned upon. In private my parents were very lovey dovey - to the point that we kids teased them about it - but NEVER outside of the house.


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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

@151949 wrote:

@Mothertrucker wrote:

@Hayfield wrote:

Once thing I noticed about the pictures, there is no hand holding and while Jackie will look at Jack in a loving way, you never see him look that way at her.  When a man's in love he at least will look at the woman he loves in that certain way. 

wow! you saw it totally differently than I did...


Back in 1953 public displays of affection were frowned upon. In private my parents were very lovey dovey - to the point that we kids teased them about it - but NEVER outside of the house.


Haven't thought much about this but you're right.  My parents didn't kiss or hold hands out in public back then, but the first thing Dad did when he got home from work each night was go up to Mom, give her a hug and kiss her.  It wasn't a sloppy thing, just a simple hug and kiss.


Out in public, the respect was always there, holding the door open, allowing her to walk ahead when they'd go through a small doorway, or down to communion in church.  He still does this now, simple acts of respect.  But they do hold hands out in public now.

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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

 Thanks for the memories!

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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

@Jacie wrote:

Beautiful pictures. But, now we know they cover deceit.


Old money has a way of doing things that isn't always right, the surface looks good but.....

So does "new money".  No one family or group has a lock on deceitfulness.  There's plenty to go around today, too.  All you have to do is turn on the television or read the news.

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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

@Hayfield wrote:

Once thing I noticed about the pictures, there is no hand holding and while Jackie will look at Jack in a loving way, you never see him look that way at her.  When a man's in love he at least will look at the woman he loves in that certain way. 

I got that same impression looking at the photos.  I don't expect any physical signs of affection.  But I would expect something in the way he looks at her.  The photo of them walking on the beach with him in front and her following him made me feel like he was almost disinterested.  She is radiant when she looks at him.

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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

@beach-mom wrote:

. . . that once there was a spot

for one brief shining moment that was known 

as Camelot."




I've always loved that quote. 


They certainly were a handsome couple.  It's so sad that only Caroline is still alive.

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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

@SydneyH wrote:

@Puzzle Piece wrote:

I choose to forget.  They were just folks like you and I and just had money. 

That family and their past and their 'ways' has long been uncovered. 

Agreed, I have very little respect for them.....





I've never understood the near worshiping of them and their relationship (perhaps back in the day when the media never exposed things like they do today, and people were unaware of all the true issues), since the truth has come out over the years. 


I see no reason to pine for, or admire what that was, behind closed doors and in reality. It is no more romantic, or classy or dignified than what goes on in most of today's entertainment world, yet people are fascinated and buy into it for some reason.

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Re: "Don't Let it be Forgot. . .

There is reason to admire this young president who was a strong and courageous leader.  At the end of the day, we all know people are only people.  But the beautifulness of the public personas of the Kennedys in the WH hasn't been seen since.

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