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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

I always enjoyed his presentatins and he seemed like a nice person.  Sorry to see him leave and wish him well.....

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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

Even though I never bought anything from CF I will miss him. Just wont feel like spring is around the corner without him.

Sleep sweet Bo 3/19/08 8/4/18
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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc



Words can't express how humbled I feel when I read your comments. I cry, I laugh, and I rejoice that our paths crossed. Our oasis on Facebook is not going away...there will be no black wreath on the door! I will continue to offer advice and answer gardening questions until I see my final sunset. THIS garden party is just getting started!


I know a lot of you are wondering exactly what happened, but there were no conspiracies or squabbles prior to my departure as your garden guy. QVC has been a wonderful home for me these past twenty-two years, and I have made many lasting friendships and have experienced the joy of being around a multitude of motivated and talented individuals. I am not sure what lies ahead for me, but I am as excited as I was when I first graduated from Mississippi State and moved to Manhattan...without a clue or a plan. It all worked out.


And, who knows? Hurricanes sometimes make landfall more than once.

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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

I will miss him. 

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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

I will miss him!  What a ray of warm southern sunshine!  I'm really enjoying the "Tropical Trumpet Vine" (mandevilla) I bought from him this year.  


Tropical Trumpet Vine Jul 2018.jpg



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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

Carolyn hinted around in her Facebook post that Phillip will still appear on QVC, but in a different capacity.  It sounds like he has a few different projects in mind and that his career will be moving in a different direction.


I look forward to seeing him in the future and wish him the very best.

"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James
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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

Those are not daylilies but they are lilies. Beautiful ones at that!

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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

I looked forward to Phillip being on just to hear good tips and keep up to date in my own garden..Will miss him. What FB page can I go to to keep in touch?  Look forward to seeing and hearing of his new endeavors..thanks


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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

I know I’m really late for this post but I missed it during the summer, here I was waiting and looking out for Phillips cottage farm airing on the Q and couldn’t find anything upcoming for days Smiley Sad it made me so sad to find out he’s retired and not coming back. He would give me some sunshine during the harsh freezing months of January and February. Does anyone know if he’ll ever be back?
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Re: phillip watson leaving cottage farms/qvc

[ Edited ]

Phillip Watson is a very attractive man with a wonderful personality!  He was head and shoulders above almost all the other vendors on QVC, and I will miss him! 


Please come back for a visit, Phillip!  I wish I could give you a hug for all the years you have entertained and enlightened me!!  16x16_heart.png