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Re: *** Young & Restless Discussion Group Week of April 6th....May Include Spoilers!!! ***

I do believe Sharon is off her meds. Capable of double homicide...I doubt it.

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Re: *** Young & Restless Discussion Group Week of April 6th....May Include Spoilers!!! ***

I can't understand why a 45 yr old woman can't remember to take a few pills? what is she, 5?

Hope, she's not on the birth control pill. Here lately don't guess she would need it. LOL Bet Sage has a bun in the oven even though she said she can't have any. Ol' Nick thinks he's plowing a barren field, but, will probably end up getting a Fall crop. Please, no more snark kids! Faith, will push a pregnant Sage off of a bldg. next.

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Re: *** Young & Restless Discussion Group Week of April 6th....May Include Spoilers!!! ***


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Re: *** Young & Restless Discussion Group Week of April 6th....May Include Spoilers!!! ***

Totally stunned by the shove from the balcony today!{#emotions_dlg.blink} That was ridiculous that Avery runs all the way down the stairs yelling for Lily to call 911. Doesn't she have a cell phone? At the least, doesn't that suite have a phone? Watch her get down there and no one will be able to find a body and she'll look like a looney tune!{#emotions_dlg.scared}

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Re: *** Young & Restless Discussion Group Week of April 6th....May Include Spoilers!!! ***

no, he's found he's in the hospital and may be crippled for the rest of his life. which will tie Avery to him. He'll heal up, not tell her and one day out of the blue jump her and they will leave Dylan behind. He's to busy being Daddy to Sharon.

Hint to Sharon, call the guard house and how did Kyle get past those no count guards when he was playing lipstick bandit? I swear I'd let that lot go in a new york minute. They're not worth a squat ! An army platoon could come in the Newman compound and the guards are to busy tweeting or facebooking or watching p o r n o to notice what's going down.

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Re: *** Young & Restless Discussion Group Week of April 6th....May Include Spoilers!!! ***

ok, after the surprise push, I wasn't sure where Joe had gone. Yep, Avery is his! Dylan is so dumb to get involved with Sharon! I am sure the ranch security only takes orders from one person, Victor. I am sure Sharon's "safety" is little concern to him at all.

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Re: *** Young & Restless Discussion Group Week of April 6th....May Include Spoilers!!! ***

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Re: *** Young & Restless Discussion Group Week of April 6th....May Include Spoilers!!! ***

That is what Victor was doing with those fingerprints. He had them put on the weapon! He has all kinds of help out there and this would be just the kind of thing Victor would do.

Remember Victor tried to drive Sharon crazy a while back. He's trying to bring her down again.