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@wishmoon wrote:

I think ppl are so devastated that they just answer automatically. If they weren't, they should just tell the media to pound sand. Some probably do or relatives say it for them--they aren't the interviews you see on TV. Terrible practice.


Yes, some of them do turn away.

Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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After Sandy Hook many parents did interviews. For me they needed people to know about their children. To show that their children were far more than a name and a statistic. There was so much out there about the murderer that they wanted to counteract that. I remember Anderson Cooper refused to say the killer's name.


Sunday 60 Minutes is doing a Sandy Hook story. I saw a clip on CBS news last night. One of the victim's mothers said that she loves it when people talk about her child. People avoid doing it because they think it's painful for her, but she said it keeps her child alive so to speak. 


If we don't see the pain of these people, how will we ever know in any significant way the reality of what happened to them? We can sit on a couch and turn their pain off with a remote, they live it every day. For me it is very painful to watch, but necessary. Tomorrow, or any day, it could be me in their shoes.

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I would lose my mind. Seriously. I would be catatonic.  I cannot handle my hurt FOR those parents, let alone if it were me. 

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@Greeneyedlady21 wrote:

After Sandy Hook many parents did interviews. For me they needed people to know about their children. To show that their children were far more than a name and a statistic. There was so much out there about the murderer that they wanted to counteract that. I remember Anderson Cooper refused to say the killer's name.


Sunday 60 Minutes is doing a Sandy Hook story. I saw a clip on CBS news last night. One of the victim's mothers said that she loves it when people talk about her child. People avoid doing it because they think it's painful for her, but she said it keeps her child alive so to speak. 


If we don't see the pain of these people, how will we ever know in any significant way the reality of what happened to them? We can sit on a couch and turn their pain off with a remote, they live it every day. For me it is very painful to watch, but necessary. Tomorrow, or any day, it could be me in their shoes.


I look at Sandy Hook as an exception.  That was so horrific that I believe all of those parents needed each other and the rest of us too.  I totally separate that from anything that has happened since.  In fact, I still can't think of it without a huge emotional surge in my chest, as it did again right now.


They have bonded into a separate community, almost not of the earth . . . to me.  If I ever met any of them, I feel I would collapse at their feet totally shattered.


Formerly Ford1224
We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Elie Wiesel 1986
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@Noel7 wrote:



I just saw the interview on CNN and if we were watching the same one, it was the parents of the child who was shot but survived.


Not the parents of the deceased.

That's the interview I saw, too, of the parents of the little boy who survived.


Thank God.

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Great topic and why they ask that stupid question I have no idea............they all do it...........someone needs to say how the HE?? do you think I feel...............I used to watch news 24/7 and I am thankful I rarely see it depressed me yet I would always pray for people in need and I do need to keep up but that is the most stupid question..............they need to be saying WE are so sorry.........what is your next step..............

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The child of the couple interviewed SURVIVED.  What is so terrible about talking to them?  They are so thankful their son is alive.


CNN wasn't shoving a microphone into the faces of people who lost a child.



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I just finished reading a true story about a bad accident in Texas that killed five people.  It was later determined that a young lady who survived was misidentified.  To make a long story short, her family held a funeral only to learn weeks later she was alive.  Those families were hounded by all the national shows to give an interview.  All the big name newscasters were vying for an exclusive story.  The whole idea made me sick.  Leave these people alone, and when they are ready to share their story, they will.

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@QueenDanceALot wrote:

The child of the couple interviewed SURVIVED.  What is so terrible about talking to them?  They are so thankful their son is alive.


CNN wasn't shoving a microphone into the faces of people who lost a child.






People love to make assumptions and jump to conclusions based on extremely little facts.

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