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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

For me it is sitting too much. Also, if driving as a passenger the constant movement of the scenery flashing by at 75 MPH. Maybe too much visual stimulation.  When driving you are concentrating for long periods of time. It is exhausting as we age. When I was kid I was stimulated and raring to go right out of the door when we arrived.   For me when we leave on a trip there is a lot of packing and planning.  I need to get house in order and instructions for house sitter. , get the pond stuff together, and portioned fish food for each feeding, same with my cat.   Getting his stuff ready. I have a hard time packing. If we travel by plane it is worse than car travel, because getting what I need for all weather possibilities is a chore , and not to forget my meds, toiletries, make up etc.  then I don't sleep well, get up earlier.  I am worn out when I arrive lol

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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

@CrazyKittyLvr2 Along the same lines, sitting in a hospital with somwone is also exhausting. Have no idea why, you are just sitting there doing nothing.

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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

Never understood why sitting in a car and riding can wear you out like nothing else.   Also I feel so dirty after a long car ride when I did not even sweat. 

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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

Two or three hour drive is a jaunt compared to the all-day affairs I've been on already.


But either way, you are not up and active, and your body gets lethargic (not to mention your mind)! So, I think it is definitely a physical thing.


Look at all the moving parts we have. Our bodies were made to move!

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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

@panda1234   I agree.  When my DH had cancer I don't know how many hours I spent sitting in hospitals rooms and waiting rooms.


The day of his surgery we had to have him at the hospital at 6:30 am. The hospital was an hour drive away.  The surgery ended up being 8 hours alone. We finally got to see him for a couple minutes at 8:30 that night and then drove an hour home.


The stress alone and the long day was indeed exhausting mentally and physically.

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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

When I was a kid, our family would drive abou 7 hours from NJ to PA to visit grandparents/family several times a year, mostly holidays.  I hated being in the car that long and I swore to myself that when I got older, I'd have none of that.  Well, ended up moving to California.  When flying from West coast to East coast, it was an all day thing and all day headache and very tiring.  Hated it.  When we decided to move to the Southeast 6 years ago, I said, "well, at least we're closer to our families and in the same time zone."  Now we drive from Southeast to NJ about once or twice a year.  It's a 15 hour plus drive one way and I hate it.  

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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

I will say that for the 53 years we have been maing the 4 hr. round trip to see my family we have only had 1 problem.


My one SIL was with me and coming home a woman pulled out ijn front of us and I couldn't avoid hitting her.  No one was hurt. That was a good 46 years ago.  Other than that no flats or breakdowns.


There are a couple of stretches of road that you would not want to get stranded on especially at night. All woods, curvy and no houses nearby. If you listened carefully you probably hear the theme music to movies Halloween or Deliverence.  lol


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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

For one thing I think I have travelers ADD. What is supposed to be so relaxing just sitting seeing scenery that repeats over and over or interstate traffic? 


5 hours is about my max. We have found that getting car seat coushions helps.

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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

Cause you get josled all around, and when you (use to) have to fight the paper map with it's many creases, and settle the kids down, or keep them occupied, and play games with them, and get up early to leave, and only have a limited position you can set in for hours on end, you get tired!!  When my husband was in the military and we traveled a lot, one time I told him going on 10 hours in the car, if he didn't stop soon, I was writing a note to hold up to the window, "we were being kidnapped".  Back then it was funny and of course, it was a joke, but I know it's not a funny joke today. Anyway.............................

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Re: Why Is Traveling All Day Tiring?

@qualitygal   My DH went out west to help his one brother and SIL with moving back to PA. This was the early 1960s.


They were driving.  They had a Corvette, my DH drove the rental truck with their stuff. DH said his brother was one to get in the car and drive til he hit his destination.  God forbid you stop for anything.

His wife had a UTI and I guess it was not pretty.


My hubby felt bad for his SIL.


I would have said, fine you drive, I'm flying.