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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

To have my parents back and have my extended family stop the stupid "I am not speaking to (fill in the blank) ******"  

So we can all be the way we used to be...

I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend, til death, your right to say it
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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

We all went to church together and then on Mother's Day my family rented out the banquet room of our favorite restaurant.  The owners of which went to church with us as well.  There we all sat together Great Grandmother, Grandmother, my Mom her two twin  Sisters all the Uncles and tons of cousins with a precious Great Grandfather and Grandfather trying to stay out of the fray and just eat and enjoy the show.  We all looked lovely in new clothes bought for the day with our red or white carnation on our dresses.

It was a special day every single year and I loved it.  I could depend on it and never thought it would end when I was a young girl growing up.  One more day just like that with all at the table would be wonderful. Hometown family owned restaurant is still even open. 

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

Breakfast in bed. My neighbor went on a trip and brought back a coffee pack called Fuzzy Navel from my favorite coffee shop. Maybe I'll pick up muffins and fruit so DH can put together a bed tray.

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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything


To have the day with my dad who passed 30+ years ago & I miss him every minute of everyday😕.  He was my dad but my best friend too!!!

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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

My Mother, who has been gone since November ‘02.

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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

to stop hurting

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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

One full day with each of my children when they were babies.  I'd never put them down.  When they were babies there was so many things to do like cleaning the house, cooking dinner, laundry.  I wish I could have spent more time holding, and cuddling them.   They are babies for such a short time, the house will always need cleaning!  

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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

Yes they grow up, so daughter said what do you want? tjm & home became one, also ross is same shopping center, add in a huge doller tree I said I want a day of shopping. Her eyes lit up & me too. well she will be on vacation & said no problem we will do big shopping & lunch can be June just want fun shopping, It's not about the shopping or lunch it's having fun spending the time. 

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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

I'd like my son to return from his deployment and then I'd love to go see him, his wife, and my grandkids.  

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Re: What would **you** like for Mother's Day if you could have anything

@Imaoldhippie wrote:

A huge ranch so I could take in all the homeless and abused animals.



Can I be a ranch hand and help you with all the animals?