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What if you were selling your home and a couple told you they love your home.   And continued to say we love how you decorated your home.  We like all the pictures on the walls.  Also they like the objects on the book cases, tables, coffee table, etc.  


They told you they want to buy your home and everything inside the home.  They would pay you extra for your trouble.  They told you to get your personal items and clothes and leave.  


No packing, no moving furnature, no hard work would you have to deal with.   


What would you do?   



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Roll over and wake up.


In Sunny AZ
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Re: What would you do?

[ Edited ]

I am wide awake.  (smile)  And you too are awake.

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Registered: ‎01-19-2015

Just do it! (Sorry, Nike, lol.)

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~
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It have to be for a lot, a lot, a lot of mo-la-la!

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Sorry Charley, I'm keeping my stuff.

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handygal,  You are now truely free.  (smile)  

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Posts: 8,107
Registered: ‎03-17-2010

Very interesting and thoughtful question....


I would have to be selective with the furnishings because some belonged to my family and I cherish them, some are antiques that I love and can't see myself selling. 

My dinnerware took years to collect and I love it and don't want to sell it.... so I'd have to tell them no thank you... you can buy the house but everything in it is going with me.... including the lightbulbs (just a joke!   We actually had owners take all the lightbulbs with them -- out of the installed fixtures!)  Woman Tongue


*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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 You are now truely free.  (smile)  



Ah, but you didn't ask if we COULD let go of our possessions, just if we would sell them if someone wanted our home.  In my case... yes, I COULD walk away from it all if I had to and know I would be okay.  If that's the "free" of which you speak, then I am free enough to do that.... yes....  Woman Happy

*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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Registered: ‎08-05-2011

Re: What would you do?

[ Edited ]

Q4U,  You did not sell your house.   Everything means everything.

I came back to add....oh so you could free yourself, and sell all of your stuff in the house and sell the home too.....  (smile)