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Q4U,  You did not sell your house.   Everything means everything.

I came back to add....oh so you could free yourself, and sell all of your stuff in the house and sell the home too.....  (smile)  



But part of the equation was being able to take my personal stuff....  


It's an interesting concept because part of who we are is in how we nest.  What we choose to live with, how it makes us "feel".  I've sold homes I never thought I'd ever leave... but left and never looked back.   It also applies to everything personal... jewelry, pictures, clothing, etc.  All those things that outwardly define who we are.  A lot of people do that, by choice or by accident (fire, catastrophes).... but it happens.


Yes, aside from a few personal items, if the price were right, I would sell it all, walk away and start over again...  yup, I could do it, it's all just stuff after all...  Woman Happy



*~"Never eat more than you can lift......" Miss Piggy~*
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If the price was right, I'd take it, as long as we could agree that anything of real personal value to me that would not markedly change why they love the house is excluded.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Noted "Sparrow.". I have to get busy.  Send the check.

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I could do it, but price might stop them.....

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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I could sell the house and most of the possessions except we have an extensive art collection - our first painting bought when we married at age 18!years - and our artwork has always been packed and shipped around the world.  We have lived in 6 different countries also our animals have been everywhere too.  So our dogs and art I would keep. Interestingly our kids want us to move back to CA so I said we were selling -up and they said No please keep the paintings we all want them - we grew up with them - sell the rest but not the art.  We are on the market now.

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Re: What would you do?

[ Edited ]

dulwich are you selling everything to the same buyers?...home and everything in the home but your art?     Good luck selling your home.

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Re: What would you do?

[ Edited ]

We bought a charming country house with a lot of the antiques/furniture already in it a few years ago.  We were going to sell our house and move farther out in the country.  As the months went on, we realized we weren't ready to move from our house that we'd designed and built 20 years ago.      


So, no, I couldn't part with my house.

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Our realtor asked us that very question as he had a few people in mind - so we said yes as if anyone wanted the lot o.k.  If and when we go to CA furnishings are easy stick our art up - dogs around we are home plus near the kids.  Anyhow we are not in a rush so we will see.

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We are actually dealing with that right now. My Mom's husband died last August. She had dementia & can't live by herself. She is living with our brother & we were trying to decide if we wanted to sell the house. A couple approached us & wanted to buy the house if we ever thought about selling. So we all discussed it & told them that we would sell the house. They came & walked through the house & said that they would like to buy it "as is" with the furnishings. It seemed simple & like a great idea, but then as we got to cleaning out personal items & discussing that this desk was Grandma S's & that bookcase was Grandpa S's, it just became harder to do than we thought. So we are leaving some things, but we all took some things.

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@onewhiteSparrow wrote:

What causes some to keep and hold items all the way to the grave?  


Only for those left behind to toss the items into the trash because they have their own stuff.....and do not want your stuff.

You don't know that.  Even if it were true, it would mean nothing to the person who is currently finding pleasure and/or comfort in their belongings.  When it's time for me to leave everything behind, I will.  Until then, I will enjoy what I have no matter how others perceive them.