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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

[ Edited ]

I would not say these are my 'favorite' because I think they were all rather painful to watch, but they all had to do with testimonial calls. I so wish they would stop them!


--A jewelry cleaner was on, Lisa R was the host.  Someone called in and started ranting about how horrible the cleaner was and it ruined all her Barbara Bixby jewelry.  This went on for minutes before the caller just hung up.


--Some lady called about a shirt on air that she said she had just placed an order for it but had a question.  I can't remember which vendor.  She starts asking all these questions about the fabric, is it stretchy, can you describe the color better, etc, etc, for a good 2-3 minutes.  THEN she goes, "you know what I don't think I'm going to like that, will you transfer me to the operator so I can cancel my order"


--A brand of bedding/sheets was on.  It was not northern nights (do they even have that brand still?) anyway, Jill was the host and this woman calls in to say that Northern nights was her favorite brand of sheets and she would never consider buying another brand....  again, this was not the brand that was on air.  


--This type has happened many times, but one particular call was for bare minerals when Leslie Blodget still presented.  the poor thing was saying that she lost her hair and brests to cancer and the make up helped her feel pretty.  It was heartbreaking, she was sobbing.  went on for minutes.  Felt terrible for the woman and I wanted to reach through the Tv and hug her, but it certainly did NOT make me want to shop.  Again, callers getting upset and crying happens regularly. How this is supposed to 'boost sales' is beyond me.


--A woman called, she was obviously hard of hearing.  This was in the Lisa Mason days.  Poor Lisa was just asking her things like "how are you today?" and "what color did you get" the normal stuff.  Every question, this lady answered "whaaaaat?  I can't hear you honey."  and so Lisa was screaming and repeating herself and the lady kept saying she couldn't hear.  went on for minutes.   The same thing happened on a very recent show with David Venable.  I had to mute it because it was just painful to watch.  I just remember the woman's name was PAT because David and Mary were joking about it later in the show.  


--Someone called and said she was buying herself a $1,000 piece of jewelry from her cat to her for her bday.  She said her husband would never have spent money like that on her but now that he has passed away, she can buy whatever she wants.  Then she proceeded to ask the host to say Hi to her cat, who was sitting next to her, watching the Q.

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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

Mike Rowe when he was a  host was gold. Him selling the paper bag for cats to play with is hysterical. Some of his best is on YouTube.

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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

The only one that I remember, happened back in the '90's.


Steve Bryant was hosting, and he was presenting a computer. He was explaining how you could go on the internet such as the page for the White House.


Now, keep in mind the  Clinton scandal was going on.


Steve brought up the front page for the White House. But because the resolution was off, all that came up on the computer screen was "THE WHITE HO"



Idon't think that I have ever laughed so hard!


Steve said, "No comments from the peanut gallery, please."

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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

When Steve Bryant was demonstrating a new product, an automatic potato peeler, and the whole thing fell apart, potato sent rolling right on camera. He made a second attempt and then suddenly the scene switched to previews of upcoming shows.

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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

Wasn't there a phone call once about a woman who had purchased a shower massage shower head and the male host asked innocently what she     liked about it and she said she used it a 'certain' way. I think the host turned 10 shades of red after that call.

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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

this was a couple years ago - Mary Beth was selling a gold resin-filled byzantine bracelet .  to demonstrate its strength and durability she placed the bracelet on the floor and stepped on it putting all her weight on it. the bracelet broke with a cracking sound . she quickly recovered and said something like "this is live TV!!"  . funny thing is the video for the bracelet mishap  was up online for weeks after

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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

@songbird wrote:

The only one I wittnessed was Lisa Mason. saying "don't mind my I'm just stroking my......beaver.


I fell out of the chair laughing so hard, my husband ran in the room wanting to know what that noise was.



Shoekitty said


Oh sweet mother of bob dylan, that is so funny.  Bless Lisa Mason, she could get away with it.  She has such a devilish sense of humor, LOL@!




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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

A shatterproof glass broke, when thrown to the ground. I think it was the Q,

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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

@LyndaGee wrote:

@vicki is ok wrote:

This is more of a horrible story that happened quite some time ago, so I'm hoping someone else here who has watched as long as me can help fill in the details. It was a fashion show and there were two models being shown. All of a sudden you saw the one model say something to the other and then whap, a huge slap was given to the model doing the talking. There was an argument beginning and QVC went to something else really quick. When they came back to live tv, the models were gone. The model who did the slapping was never seen again on QVC. I want to say that the other model is one of the older models still on, but I could be wrong. A really really bad day for the Q.



Does anyone else remember this???




Yes.  I was trying to remember the model's name.  She was brunette and popular with the viewers.

Dorian I believe was her name and rumor had it she was fired.


She and Angela got into the fight but I don't remember it happening on air.  I thought it happened behind the scenes.  LOL 

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Re: What's Your Favorite QVC Story or Blooper?

Years ago, Jill was selling some silicone falsies that you inserted in your bra to make you appear a little larger and fuller.  You could tell she was having a hard time concentrating on what she was trying to say and she finally just stopped and looked to the side and said something like...."Oh, the stuff they make us sell".  She then proceeded on with no trouble.  (I always figured she was got in trouble with the Suits for saying that live!).  I don't think I ever saw that item presented after that either.  


One time Bob (Bowersox) was selling a George Foreman Grill.  He had cooked a piece of meat and was talking up the well where all the grease accumulates.  (You won't be ingesting all that grease, it's much healthier to cook this way, etc.).   At the same time he was holding the meat with a pair of tongs or something and dropped the cooked meat right into well with all the grease.  It just struck me funny!

Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit, but Wisdom is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad.
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