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Re: What do you wish you would have invented? And what do you think needs to be invented?

Wish I knew how much on line shopping would go insane and bought stocks in those companies. Who knew on line shopping would go huge now we get groceries, same day delivery what is next? My invention would be a robot that cleans my teeth in 15min with laser when I go to the dentist. I hate going to the dentist & sitting in the chair for the cleaning, also a self cleaning house. 

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Re: What do you wish you would have invented? And what do you think needs to be invented?

@SilleeMee wrote:

Pet food that makes my dog live at least as long as I do.

Best response on here Heart

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Re: What do you wish you would have invented? And what do you think needs to be invented?

@twinny70 and @Drythe, I so wish a cure could be found for CIDP.  You both have so much courage, more than one could imagine.  Hugs to you both.


@jeanlake, Your wishes are amazing.  I so agree!


I would love to see cures for all diseases.  Afflictions of all sorts.  One of my dearest friends died several years ago from ovarian cancer.  As they say, if love could have saved her, she never would have died.


My DD inherited her scientific mind from my DH - certainly not me.  She works in the research field, now with another university.  Never big pharma.  So, so many people working very long hours.  Very dedicated all.  Nobody gets rich doing this.  I talk about this often, as I think knowing that vast numbers of people are doing this makes everyone feel some hope.

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Re: What do you wish you would have invented? And what do you think needs to be invented?

I wish I had invented antibiotics (penicillin, for one).


What needs to be invented are antibiotics that are not susceptible to bacterial resistance.

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Re: What do you wish you would have invented? And what do you think needs to be invented?

Now...Ziploc bags. idea.


Keepin' it real.
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Re: What do you wish you would have invented? And what do you think needs to be invented?

I wish I'd invented Velcro. A second to that is the machine that takes bitewing X-rays of your teeth with you standing up and biting down on a gizmo at the dentist--no fighting your gag reflex.


The thing I know needs to be invented, and the sooner the better, is a medication that helps wean people off prescription opioids while helping reduce the pain that necessitated their use in the first place. No expense should be spared in bringing it to market ASAP, and 100% of the costs of the R&D, testing, marketing, and delivery to the people who need it should be underwritten by the Sackler family, until everyone who's addicted is free.


Mama always said, "You made a mess, you clean it up." About time the folks who sponsored this nightmare have a reckoning on the only terms they understand.

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Re: What do you wish you would have invented? And what do you think needs to be invented?



Is pain so much worse now that we need the opioid painkillers? Or have we as a society just become weaker, unable to tolerate some discomfort? There has always been pain. 

Keepin' it real.
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Registered: ‎06-10-2015

Re: What do you wish you would have invented? And what do you think needs to be invented?

@esmerelda wrote:



Is pain so much worse now that we need the opioid painkillers? Or have we as a society just become weaker, unable to tolerate some discomfort? There has always been pain. 

I don't know if pain has increased. I do know that when people experience pain--not discomfort, but pain--they try to find a way to make it stop. Back pain is what drives people to back surgeons, despite the troubled track record of those surgeries, for example. Trying to find relief is a natural, normal, human reaction to pain. What's changed is the availability of a painkiller that was promoted to doctors as safe and nonaddictive, but was neither.


According to the CDC, "Anyone who takes prescription opioids can become addicted to them. In fact, as many as one in four patients receiving long-term opioid therapy in a primary care setting struggles with opioid addiction. Once addicted, it can be hard to stop. In 2016, more than 11.5 million Americans reported misusing prescription opioids in the past year."


One out of four is a huge percentage of people ending up with a monkey on their back, and the problem developed under the radar of the authorities because this was a legal drug being legally prescribed, so there weren't things like drug raids or meth lab busts to signal the scope of the problem as it grew. So AFAIC, the family that's benefitted so handsomely from the pain it's brought so many in this country should be responsible for making things right.