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Registered: ‎06-29-2010

NOt a good idea, not eve a good thought. Someone who dreamed it up is brainless or dead.

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Registered: ‎06-03-2010

I think IF the people of the USA want the PD to patrol with just night sticks, EVERY police officer should park themselves at a Dunkin Doughnut, drink coffee and have a doughnut or two............if people have a problem... take care of it yourselves....................................raven

We're not in Kansas anymore ToTo
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Posts: 424
Registered: ‎03-26-2010

I disagree. Our police aren't armed with enough fire power. They are at a serious disadvantage. Just look at what the gangs, thugs and hard core criminals are carrying.

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Registered: ‎03-14-2015
On 3/15/2015 SugarNSpice said:

I disagree. Our police aren't armed with enough fire power. They are at a serious disadvantage. Just look at what the gangs, thugs and hard core criminals are carrying.


Honored Contributor
Posts: 13,687
Registered: ‎11-24-2013

That's about the stupidest idea I've heard in ages.

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Registered: ‎03-30-2011

Plaid pants, I so remember that North Hollywood shootout! My brother was a PO (retired now) and his friend from academy was in that horrible fiasco. Thankfully, officers were allowed to purchase and carry assault rifles as a result of that. Anyone who saw the 40+ minute film of that on You Tube would be hard pressed to deny any decent, hardworking and honest cop any and all help they need to do their job.

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,475
Registered: ‎03-14-2015
On 3/15/2015 FlowershopGirl said:

Plaid pants, I so remember that North Hollywood shootout! My brother was a PO (retired now) and his friend from academy was in that horrible fiasco. Thankfully, officers were allowed to purchase and carry assault rifles as a result of that. Anyone who saw the 40+ minute film of that on You Tube would be hard pressed to deny any decent, hardworking and honest cop any and all help they need to do their job.

Hard to believe that that happened about 18 years ago.

Trusted Contributor
Posts: 1,016
Registered: ‎03-30-2011

I know what you mean! The years are flying by. Everyone was totally surprised when my brother took his 20-year retirement because it seemed like yesterday he went into academy! Here we both are in our 40s already and I feel like I just graduated college!

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Posts: 266
Registered: ‎09-28-2014

Police waving a nightstick will really scare the pants off of IS terrorists.

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Posts: 326
Registered: ‎01-29-2011

I am so sorry; just came on here and am reading fast -- OMG what is next; a water pistol??.Who can possibly suggest only a night stick for police!!