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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

@NycVixen wrote:

@Noel7 wrote:

I love the holidays but I grew to really dislike Christmas dinner with the relatives.  All the classic stuff, a couple of people drank too much, a couple routinely bragged about how much money they had, and a couple were outright bigots.


I went to keep the family together and then I thought, WTH do I care?  NO MORE!  One cousin bragged about manipulating their taxes, I just couldn't stand them anymore.


We spent Thanksgiving with my lifelong friend until it got to be too hard to make the long drive.  Now it's just the three of us and we have such a good time!  AND... we get the food we like Smiley Happy

Amen! That's what I'm doing this year!! I'm free!! 


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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

I like the holidays.

I like decorating, entertaining and spending time with close friends.


Frankly the only things I dislike are what I see here a lot. Constant complaints about shopping, gifting, cooking and even how people choose to express holiday wishes.

I know many dislike the holidays. Some for very good reasons. Others just seem to enjoy complaining.

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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

@AuntG wrote:

I still like the holidays, but I've become less materialistic. I'm convinced a $20 per person limit on gifts is plenty.  Many of the things I like fall in that price range (candy, wine, towels, bath gels, candle). A big haul of gifts used to please me, but now if my entire haul consisted of the things I listed, I'd be completely happy.

In my family we have never been extravagant with gifts.  Many of us are readers so books are big gifts, crazy kitchen gadgets, wine, etc.  My shopping is done because I do not enjoy the stress of last minute.  Going to start wrapping next week.  

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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

I have four kids who live in three different states and the closest to me is four hours away. It's hard during the holidays to decide which one's home I'll be at or how many of the others will be there too. There's a brand new baby this year so I may be with her and and her parents (my youngest daughter). I see in the future that it's going to get harder which home to go to. I live in a small condo and couldn't accommodate everyone.

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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?



Absolutely nothing.


But, then in my home it's about the reason.

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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

@JaneMarple wrote:

I have four kids who live in three different states and the closest to me is four hours away. It's hard during the holidays to decide which one's home I'll be at or how many of the others will be there too. There's a brand new baby this year so I may be with her and and her parents (my youngest daughter). I see in the future that it's going to get harder which home to go to. I live in a small condo and couldn't accommodate everyone.

Congratulations @JaneMarple 

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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

@JaneMarple wrote:

I have four kids who live in three different states and the closest to me is four hours away. It's hard during the holidays to decide which one's home I'll be at or how many of the others will be there too. There's a brand new baby this year so I may be with her and and her parents (my youngest daughter). I see in the future that it's going to get harder which home to go to. I live in a small condo and couldn't accommodate everyone.

Oh congratulations @JaneMarple!! That is the best and I know you will enjoy that! Have a ball. 

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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

@chrystaltree wrote:

Nothing.  I don't hate or dislike anything about the holidays.  The holidays really are whatever you make them.  If you want to suffer through slights and hurts from decades ago, go ahead.  You only hurt yourself.  Certainly when we had young kids and money was tight and I was a sahm, there was stress but I still loved the holidays.  Halloween through New Years, my favorite time of the year.  


I agree.


I can understand people who feel lost or alone or sad when loved ones are far away or gone, and those feelings are often beyond our control. People have every right to have diminished feelings for the holidays because of it.


But to get upset about the commercialization, how early it all starts, what greetings other people use, what is broadcast on various channels and for how long, is simply not necessary and self imposing stress and unhappiness. 


No one who dislikes any of those things has to participate in them. Yes, if you walk into a store in October and find it full of holiday merchandise, you can't 'unsee' it, but you don't have to give it any more thought, interest, or angst than say the automotive department or the electronics section if you aren't there to purchase from them either. They are just there, and you easily walk past them, giving not another thought to what is on the shelves.


If a cashier or bank teller says 'happy holidays' you can still say thank you as offer up your preferred phrase back to them. They aren't making a concerted effort to make you upset, they are simply reaching out with a friendly greeting.


If you don't want to see holiday themed movies on Halloween or someone selling Christmas decor in July, you change the channel or turn the set off and read a book.


It pretty much is within each person's control what their attitude is during any time of year that they might not like. I refuse to give up control of my enjoyment, allow others choices or practices to detract from my experiences and cause me stress. 

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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

@Desert Lily wrote:

I hate that last year I spent the holidays without my mother for the first time and that my significant other died suddenly of a stroke last Thanksgiving. And this year I hate that I will be without both of them and now without my best friend who passed today. I wish I could have those loved ones here for the holidays whether I shared their opinion on something or not or whether something they said didn't set right with me. It wouldn't matter; I loved them and would love the holidays with them again.


@Desert Lily


I am so very sorry for all your loss. 


And you certainly do put things into perspective.


Hopefully someone who needs to hear what you just said will get the wake up call that life is fleeting, and either learn to treasure even those that can be challenging, or look past it all and embrace those that they love.

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Re: What do you hate about the holidays?

@NorthernLights wrote:

There's really nothing I hate about Christmas. It's my favorite time of year. The only thing I don't really like is missing the fun of being 'that overnight visitor' when I had little ones...who are now big ones. Helping them make their lists, putting out cookies, planning surprises for them. It's still great now but that was a really special time.




That really was the very best about the holidays back then. The creating magic for and with our children. I miss all those traditions so much.