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Re: What do you do with the poster

Awww, what a handsome guy!

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Re: What do you do with the poster



Oh my! What a handsome man! 


And I love what you have decided to do with them. 

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Re: What do you do with the poster

Oh, MacDuff, I robbed the cradle, haha! He was eight years younger than I. Introduced by friends who thought we would be a good match. I thought he was arrogant, he thought I was ditzy, the first time we met. Six months later, we had a date scheduled. I was peeking out of a crack in the door because I couldn't really remember what he looked like. Up drives this Jaguar, and a handsome preying mantis unfolded from it. I heard the words from somewhere, "Oh, no, you're in trouble now!"


I was sent to him to support him through the loss of his son to brain cancer, and his own journey with AML. He was sent to me to make sure I became a better person! The 13 years we had together, 10 of them married, were the absolute best, and correspondingly the absolute worst due to the two cancer wars. Wouldn't trade them for anything.


He was born as a rape baby to a 15-year-old. You can't imagine the perils of that childhood, but out of it grew the most amazing, loving, lovable, generous, thoughtful man! Passed at 50. If I can leave this earth being half the person he was, I will consider my life well lived. Thank you for asking . . . Blessed be.

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Re: What do you do with the poster

Maybe respectively bury them?

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Re: What do you do with the poster

  @MaggieMack--Thank you for sharing that poignant story of a deep and loving LOVE!!!!!  You both were very lucky in your love and I don't think he would oobject to any of the ideas.  He looks like he would have a great gale of laughter at the puzzle idea.  Honestly, whatever you decide you know he would agree. It doesn't sound like he would want you worrying about this at all. -------------------tedEbear

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Re: What do you do with the poster

I have attended WAY TOO MANY funerals in the past few years and I have never seen any poster ever.


Is this a cultural thing? Is it something unique to a certain part of the country?

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Re: What do you do with the poster

@tedEbear, you are SO right, he would be the first to say, "Just burn the darn things! It's a memory, it's not ME!"

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: What do you do with the poster

@SahmIam wrote:

I have attended WAY TOO MANY funerals in the past few years and I have never seen any poster ever.


Is this a cultural thing? Is it something unique to a certain part of the country?

@SahmIam, I don't know! I am in the upper Midwest and, trust me, it is de rigueur here!

No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted. - Aesop
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Re: What do you do with the poster


Oh, he was adorable.  I have chill bumps.  If he was the kinda guy that would understand, as you say he was, by all means, breakout the bottle of wine with the girls and either cut the pic up into puzzle pieces or play at putting them back together!  Heart

~Have a Kind Heart, Fierce Mind, Brave Spirit~
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Re: What do you do with the poster

@MaggieMack  aww your hubs was a real cutie!  something anout him says a young Ricky Nelson.  love the lock of curly hair.   i'm sure you miss him some days.


i truly don't know what i would do. i couldn't destroy the poster. put it in the attic for a while or basement?  i guess if it was me i would keep it!  


artists make collages and things with pics. are you creative?