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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

@ALRATIBA   We only had one that was a pill. Their house was built when I was 11/12 yrs. old.


A couple with one daughter. Since they saw their kid as perfect the Dad watched the rest of us,especially as teenagers. I guess he was trying to catch us misbehaving.


The kicker is, while he was playing Gladys Kravitz with us, his perfect child got pregnant and had a son when she was a senior in HS.


Guess he should have watched his own house.


All the rest of the neighbors were nice.

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

To this day I remember our neighbors Helen and Joe.  Whenever I would get bored at home I would ask my mother if I could go and watch TV with Helen and Joe.  They were an older couple and not having any living grandparents I think I thought of them as just that.  They had no children of their own and kind of "adopted" me.  Smiles would light up their faces whoever I was around.  I still have pictues of me as a little girl watching TV with them.

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

yes, and my mom still lives in the same home and about half of the neighbors are still there and we still see them. the turnover in the neighborhood only usually happens when a person dies OR is forced to move into an assisted living facility.


how much fun we had playing in everyones yards (even when they were away), running in the street, playing board games in everyones homes, and having neighbors you could count on to be there if you needed anything.....or even if you didnt need anything.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing." - Albert Einstein
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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

[ Edited ]

Dad was military so we always lived on base. This is the first place I ever lived not on base.

We knew all our neighbors.

When we lived on Harmon AFB when I was in kindergarten in Newfoundland I would go next door to ask for cookies. LOL!!! The boy that lived there ended up in the town I live in now. I knew his wife so we figured all that out.

I miss all my friends from Randolph AFB.

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

When I was middle school aged we lived in a great neighborhood.  There was a nice woman and her son that lived next door to us.  She was a single mom (which was unusual back then) and she was the sweetest person.  She worked full time so over the years her son spent lots of time with us and became part of our family.  He was the same age as my younger sister so they were always together.   I remember when he got married, he mentioned us at his wedding as his "other" family.  We all cried.


Nice memories, everyone was fun on that street......except for one nosey neighbor who gossiped about everyone.  But I guess there is always one in the crowd.  LOL

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

Oh yes, such great memories!  Several sets of wonderful neighbors.  One neighbor was a great seamstress and my mom sewed as well.  One Christmas I received a doll bed with beautiful bedding and lovely doll dresses, sewn by both mom and neighbor.  I still have them 60 years later. 


Neighborhood games with kids were common as was borrowing a bit of this or that.  

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

Yes, This lady name ILene. She lived across the street. Her husband was a food delivery driver so she was at home during the day alone. I would go over and sit in her swing with her and we would just talk. Or we would tend to her garden and snap green beans. It was fun and we enjoyed each other company.  I always enjoyed spending time with older people. Listening to their stories and all.

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

Yes, our next door neighbors! We are still very close to them to this day! I was 6 when they moved in and my sister was 3, and she is best friends with one of the girls to this day! we lived in one of those great neighborhoods where all the kids played together and the parents all spoke and talked out in the yard.....


I only wish neighborhoods were more like that now......If kids got into a spat, the parents didn't get involved, the kids worked it out themselves. we all played kick the can, and ding dong ditch, and hopscotch and roller skating-so much fun! I have such fond memories of my childhood!   

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

Well, the boy across the street gave me my first kiss, so yeah, he is memorable.

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Registered: ‎05-11-2013

Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

My parents were friends with the couple across the street.  They had a son & a daughter.


For years every election day Mom and Dad went with Carl and Betty to vote and then to breakfast.  Never missed one.  


Betty had died and the 3 carried the tradition on. The 1st election after Dad died Mom called in a tizzy because Carl asked about going to vote and breakfast.


My response was,"oh for Pete's  sake, you 2 went to grade school together (they were in their 70s) it is just voting and breakfast, he doesn't want to take you to the No Tell Motel, just go."   She did.