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Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

that you remember fondly. When I was in grade school an older couple lived 4 houses up on the opposite side of the street.


Their names were George & Martha, I'm not kidding.  They had a beautiful stone house and grew the most georgeous roses in the front yard. Both were white haired and just the nicest people.


We would walk there to look at the roses and if they were on the porch we would sit and visit with them.  I was probably in the 8 to 10/11 age range.


They are long gone but I think of them sometimes and like to drive past the house when I visit my sister.


Anyone memorable to you?

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

@CrazyKittyLvr2 wrote:

that you remember fondly. When I was in grade school an older couple lived 4 houses up on the opposite side of the street.


Their names were George & Martha, I'm not kidding.  They had a beautiful stone house and grew the most georgeous roses in the front yard. Both were white haired and just the nicest people.


We would walk there to look at the roses and if they were on the porch we would sit and visit with them.  I was probably in the 8 to 10/11 age range.


They are long gone but I think of them sometimes and like to drive past the house when I visit my sister.


Anyone memorable to you?

Yes my next door neighbors. They were also a little older couple. Of course when you're a kid older than your parents is really old. They were so good to me and their daughter even named her own daughter after me. I remember snapping green beans at their house and just spending time with them. 

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

[ Edited ]

So many wonderful neighbors when our kids were growing up. 

And ones that are so good now tooSmiley Happy

Everywhere there were mostly such good memories, though there was the not so good neighbors too but less of those.

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

Queens, New York ... 1940s/1950s


The one we called "The Witch"!  Always complained about the kids playing in the street.


She lived across the street and over one house.

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

several — One of my favorites had a player piano she encouraged me to stop in and use.  We had a piano, but hers was a whole different fascination.


Right next door to her lived a couple whose children were adults already, but they “adopted” a carload of us every year during Little League baseball’s World Series which was still in its original park along the river about 12 miles from home.  They always sat on the bleachers- sometimes we did, too, but lots of times we squatted on the dikes that  formed one wall of the field.


Thanks for the thread @CrazyKittyLvr2   Fun memories

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

Definitely!  I grew up on the best street with the greatest neighbors.  Lots of kids from all ages to play with.  Neighbors would visit on the street just to talk at nights...especially when the power went out.  Always a helping hand with snow removal.  Back then neighbors would knock on each others door for some sugar because they ran out.  When I moved 3000 miles away, one of my neighbors daughters (about 10 years older than me) was visiting their brother who lived in the same state as me (though 7 hours south).  She was making a long road trip.  When she got to my area, she looked us up in the phone book.  There was a message on my machine, said she was looking for me and with my married name now.  My Mom was visiting me at the time so we got in the car and went to see her at her hotel, with my then baby daughter.  It's been 21 years since I moved off my street and my parents retired.  My Mom keeps in touch with most of them.  Some have passed.  I can still remember my neighbors names...their kids, their grandkids and even who they married.  I think of them often, miss them greatly.

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

Our immediate neighbors next door were an older couple.  Mr. Marx grew a lot of nice things in his yard - both red n black raspberries, red currants, strawberries, and he had a grape vine.  Always snacked on these little fruits as a kid when we played outside - and he never said anything (cause he must have seen us at some point picking some berries off the plants). 


Also in their basement, he collected rocks that he kept under a special light which highlighted all sorts of colors in the rocks - blues, purples and greens.  I only remember being down there once or twice, but it was really interesting - they were kept in glass aquariums each with its own light shining down on the pretty layers of color in the rocks.


Cool stuff!!

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

@millieshops   Do you mean the Little League World Series held in a town in central PA?


I know where the stadium is now, although I've never gone to the games, I've driven past it. I don't remember the prior location.


I made the mistake of going through the town during series week forgetting about it.  What a zoo it was traffic wise.  I did get to see the blimp flying over.

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

Oh, yes. We had an older widowed lady who lived across the road. She and I would take walks in the summer, it was a dirt road we lived on, with little traffic. She also had a big yard, with huge mimosa trees. She had some grandkids that lived close and we loved to climb those huge mimosa trees, lol. Its a wonder we didn't break our necks, I can still remember that sweet smell. 

What an awesome thread, @CrazyKittyLvr2

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Re: Were There Neighbors Growing Up.......................

[ Edited ]

Yes, across the street.  I babysat their 4 children for about 7 years just about every Friday and/or Saturday evening, occasionally for the weekend, and more often during the Christmas season.  


Their children were so well behaved and polite.  Above all, they listened.  A joy to be around.  


She was movie star beautiful, had the best figure, dressed beautifully, wore gorgeous gowns when they went out.  


They were so nice to me, paid me well, and gave me the nicest Christmas presents.  I still think about them at times.