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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

You waited an hour but that doesn't seem so long to me.  I had my 2nd booster in June at my doctor's office.  They have one nurse who does all the Covid injection by appointment.  I still had to wait about 45 minutes.  I didn't mind.  There's a shortage of workers which accounts for delays everywhere and there are help wanted signs everywhere.   We stopped at Dunkin's drive in for cold drinks today, service was quick but there were two big help wanted signs.  The pay was up to $19 an hour.  The Burger King near us starts workers at $17 an hour.  



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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

I had to get my Covid shots and boosters at Walgreens because it was the only place i could get an appointment early in the lockdown. They had brought in pharmacy students from University of Oklahoma to help out giving the injections. They were very efficient and each time I went I waited only a few minutes past my appointment time. DH had Omicron 2 back in March. I don't think he wants or needs the newest booster now. I never caught it so will prob get it when I do my flu shot in a couple of weeks. It is about half and half here for masks; at t he grocery store yesterday, about half the people had on masks, all were older. I am older but didn't have a mask with me. I still use hand sanitizer which I rarely see anyone using now...and I was always a handwashing fiend so still am now. There have not been any Walgreens close here like I have seen in other cities on the news.

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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

I am scheduled to take the new omicron Covid booster at a nearby Walgreens on Monday morning, 9:30.  I don't relish being in there fairly early for a somewhat unpleasant shot, but I thought the delay of waiting would be too frustrating if I scheduled later in the day and they got backed up fulfilling the appointments.


That pharmacy is always busy and there is insufficient help. I've had all my Covid shots there and now I've learned to set it up to be the first or second appointment.  There is relatively little wait. I also have all the paperwork filled in and printed out from my computer, so I'm not working away on a clipboard when I just want to get the vaccine and enjoy a short walk home.


I was glad to get my senior flu shot right in my doctor's office a week ago. Quiet, private and friendly. But he doesn't offer the Covid vaccine. 

I'm so glad to read here that many of us are getting flu shots and that new Covid booster.  It's very encouraging because I wasn't sure about my decision to do this and now I feel it's right and sensible. For me, of course. 

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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

Everyone needs help.  There are signs everywhere so it's not just Walgreens.  I always received my prescriptions in a timely manner at Walgreens.  CVS was a real MESS -- never again.  Glad I switched to Walgreens.  The Pharmacists work 12 hour shifts.  they are always open until 9 pm,  Now that is convenient.

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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

@Goodie2shoes       I'm sorry your appointment was late. I made mine at CVS Thursday and the girl doing shots also worked the register. Mine was for 11 and I arrived early so I was out by 11:10. 
   This was the first COVID shot of the two regular and two boosters before this of Moderna that only felt sore if I touched it. The others did like yours and hurt when I lifted it.

   The week before I had my flu shot at a closer CVS and it was painful, swollen and hurt so I called and she said hers did the same. Maybe the vaccine was cold or they didn't shake it.
    I hope you feel better soon!

      💉 🦠 😵



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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

@Goodie2shoes   I stopped going there last year when I walked in as I've done in past years for a simple flu shot. I went there b/c I like(d) their program "get a shot, give a shot". Not anymore - they asked me if I had an appointment to get my flu shot. 


WHAT????????????????? For FLU SHOT?????  


I don't have time for that even with an appointment especially if they're backed up due to short of help behind the conter.


I drove to my more local Giant Eagle, stepped up to the counter, sure, no appt needed, just complete the form. BAM, done!


I'll go here from now on.



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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

I scheduled my Omicron vaccine online 2 days ago, had a 11:30 appt. The pharmacy had a sign up that they were short of help and the wait could be up to 1 hr. They were right, I didn't get the shot until about 12:30. Several others were waiting as well, no one got upset, it's the way it is right now. There was also 2 large carts of supplies just setting in the hallway by the pharmacy, no workers ever came to move it or start putting things away the entire time I was there. Help wanted signs are everywhere. I felt bad for the employees trying to keep things moving. It's been 4 hrs now and my arm is starting to feel a little painful when I lift it. I made sure I got the vaccination on my non dominant side

@Goodie2shoes   My doc has always suggested getting vaccines on the DOMINANT side to increase blood flow to the arm so the soreness will dissipate quicker. I always have and my arm rarely bothers me past a day and it's typically mild.  

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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

@gizmogal  wrote: That pharmacy is always busy and there is insufficient help. I've had all my Covid shots there and now I've learned to set it up to be the first or second appointment. There is relatively little wait. I also have all the paperwork filled in and printed out from my computer, so I'm not working away on a clipboard when I just want to get the vaccine and enjoy a short walk home.


Just an FYI, I completed the paperwork online when I set up the appointment and informed the rep when she handed me and several others a clipboard  with the same form and asked that we  fill out the form again.  We went ahead and completed it, so be prepared 

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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

[ Edited ]

@Goodie2shoes wrote:

@gizmogal  wrote: That pharmacy is always busy and there is insufficient help. I've had all my Covid shots there and now I've learned to set it up to be the first or second appointment. There is relatively little wait. I also have all the paperwork filled in and printed out from my computer, so I'm not working away on a clipboard when I just want to get the vaccine and enjoy a short walk home.


Just an FYI, I completed the paperwork online when I set up the appointment and informed the rep when she handed me and several others a clipboard  with the same form and asked that we  fill out the form again.  We went ahead and completed it, so be prepared 

Right, @Goodie2shoes I know they don't honor anything we thoughtfully fill out online to "save time". Those are questions answered onscreen, not a form. The system says it's saved, but the clerks don't accept that. I noted that I brought printed paperwork. 


But the same form as on the clipboard is available as a pdf document on the Walgreens website. It's an interactive form. It can be filled in onscreen and then printed on my own printer with all the boxes checked and entries typed in from screen and carried over to the printer.


I bring that printed hard copy actual piece of paper and that's the end of clipboard nuisance.  I've pretty much beaten their silly slow system by coming early and bringing  paper all filled out. Have never done the clipboard when I hand over the paper!


I can post a link to the Walgreens web page with the interactive document.

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Re: Went to Walgreens today, what an adventure !

I took my Covid Booster on 9/13 at Walgreens. I did have to wait a little while, not an hour but I went at night. Last time, I definitely waited an hour. The next day, I had chills, body aches and a headache. I was fine the day after that. I am very happy that I received the latest booster.