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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

12 at our house in Atlanta this morning. 


I’m sick of winter. Ready for spring. For some reason, when it’s cold out, I have a hard time convincing myself to get out in it and do things. 


I’m a warm weather girl. 

Why is it, when I have a 50/50 guess at something, I'm always 100% wrong?
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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

I'm another one who hates the bitter cold weather the Chicago area is currently having, give me the milder winters any day. I hate being stuck in the house, I want to be able to do things outdoors. Since I don't work, I pretty much hibernate all winter, not leaving my house unless I have to (grocery shopping, appointments)

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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

It's 15 with a high of 26 today in Tulsa OK.

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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

26  here in Savannah GA with snow and ice predicted for tomorrow.  We usually have 9 months of Summer here. So for me this is a welcome change and it is winter. Just hope it doesn't stay around too long.  You northerners stay bundled up and I hope the weather breaks for you soon!  I have a daughter in Chicago and i know this GA peach is freezing.

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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

Southeastern Wisconsin, and it is sooo cold!!!!!! Wind Chill is I believe this morning -11, but should warm up to about 13 degrees by noon! There is snow on the ground, but right now it is probably too cold to snow much! It is definitely Winter!

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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

Here in Central NJ it's 13 degrees out with an expected high of 25. We have about an inch of snow on the ground and are expecting 2-3 inches between Wednesday and Thursday. I love winter, snow and the crisp, cold weather! Always have! I'm also glad we're finally having a real winter like the ones I remember when I was younger and not mild and humid. In 2015, it was so warm and humid, I had the AC on at Christmas! Ugh!!!!

"Kindness is like snow ~It beautifies everything it covers"
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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

[ Edited ]

It's cold in DC, after a number of wimpy winters, but still no real snow. It's a bit of a shock to have actual cold weather after what seems like years of barely having winter at all. I don't like our too long hot, humid summers, so I'm not wishing for it to end, but it's taking some getting used to. I'm certainly not going outside for no good reason.

In my pantry with my cupcakes...
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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

I am in Chicago too and it is more than cold enough for me.  Have to take the dog outside and she has those silly balloon boots (but you need them because of the salt) and a warm coat I put on her.  She lets me put all that stuff on her but we go outside, she does her business, and she puts on the brakes.  She is NOT walking any further than she has to and we turn around and go home.


I usually find January and February rather depressing but  once spring training starts, I start to feel better and realize soon spring will be here.  Well not just yet but eventually.

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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

I like mild and no snow winters. 

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Re: We are Finally Having a Winter

[ Edited ]

I don't normally mind winter (when there is no snow involved!), but this type of sustained brutal cold is just plain awful!!!!


Oops!  Forgot to add......metro DC area.