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Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit

On 1/23/24 a judge in Florida gave initial approval to the funding of a class action settlement by Walmart at $45 million.


Right now it looks like $25 to customers with no documentation and up to $500 with documentation. Final approval is scheduled for June.


Lots of changes could happen between now and then, so don't get hung up on details yet. Just be aware that it's coming.

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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit

@PickyPicky3.  It would be n8ce if you'd describe the basis of what the lawsuit is about.  Otherwise, it's a non-story and not worth mentioning. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit


TAMPA, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - A judge is approving a class action settlement with Walmart that claims to be worth $45 million.

Vassilios Kukorinis’ lawsuit, filed in Florida federal court in 2022, alleged customers are being misled by price stickers in four ways: That Walmart falsely inflates product weight, mislabels the weight of bagged produce, overcharges on sold-by-weight clearance products and overcharges on sold-by-weight seafood products.

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit

Oh, I'm sure they were overrun with faulty scales and it's all an honest mistake ---NOT! 

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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit


@Desertdi wrote:


TAMPA, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - A judge is approving a class action settlement with Walmart that claims to be worth $45 million.

Vassilios Kukorinis’ lawsuit, filed in Florida federal court in 2022, alleged customers are being misled by price stickers in four ways: That Walmart falsely inflates product weight, mislabels the weight of bagged produce, overcharges on sold-by-weight clearance products and overcharges on sold-by-weight seafood products.

Thank you @Desertdi .  It sounds like Vassilios spent most of his time in a Walmart store weighing stuff.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit

@Kachina624 wrote:


@Desertdi wrote:


TAMPA, Fla. (Legal Newsline) - A judge is approving a class action settlement with Walmart that claims to be worth $45 million.

Vassilios Kukorinis’ lawsuit, filed in Florida federal court in 2022, alleged customers are being misled by price stickers in four ways: That Walmart falsely inflates product weight, mislabels the weight of bagged produce, overcharges on sold-by-weight clearance products and overcharges on sold-by-weight seafood products.

Thank you @Desertdi .  It sounds like Vassilios spent most of his time in a Walmart store weighing stuff.

@Kachina624      My first laugh of the day!    Tks, di

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit

@Kachina624 - I can't say I've noticed any "weight" issues in my local Walmart, so maybe it's just specific to Florida.  Could it be the heat???  All that hot air inflating things?


Someone is always ready to find a reason to file a lawsuit.  (Personally, I'm tired of this litigious society.  It devalues genuine reasons for lawsuits, IMO.)

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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit

@Venezia.  Most states have an agency that checks scales in stores at least on an annual basis and verifies their accuracy.

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit

Doesn't bagged produce come from the manufacturer with the weight printed on the bags?

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Re: Walmart Food Weight Class Action Suit

I noticed before that the price per serving or ounce or whatever was not correct on label. It was way under. I don't even remember what I was looking at as I don't generally look at the price sticker for that info. I must have been comparing something. I didn't do anything about it but if that info is important to me I will take out my phone calculator and do the math myself.