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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

The electric cars don't make any noise and suddenly will pull out of a parking space without warning. So, one does have to keep an eye out for the backup lights.

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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

I also question the intelligence of some people who just ASSUME a car will stop. Or like you said, people who ASSUME a driver sees them. Luckily for many people I HAVE NOT was because I LOOK for the idiots who walk out behind a moving car. I try to think like the idiots. I have saved a lot of lives. Also, being that the driver backing out would be the guilty party no matter have to think like the idiot.....
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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

I always try to pull forward so I don't have to back out. Also, I try to park as far out as possible where there is less car and foot traffic.

It's not always possible, but I do find that doing this minimizes the issue for me.

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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

On 6/16/2014 ILikeShade said:

The electric cars don't make any noise and suddenly will pull out of a parking space without warning. So, one does have to keep an eye out for the backup lights.

Yes, the electric car and being so a new learning experience for the human to adapt to.
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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

I was in my local grocery store parking lot the other day. I had just pulled into my spot. The driver next to me was backing out of his spot. I happened to look in his direction and see that the car on the other side was a large SUV. The driver was craning his neck and looking in all directions as he was inching out of the spot. Suddenly, an elderly man sprung out from behind the big SUV, with out even looking in the direction of the cars he was walking closely behind. He almost got knocked over by the driver. Honestly, I don't see how the driver could have proceeded more carefully. I really don't. The elderly gentleman ran to the front of the car and proceeded to tell the driver off in very colorful language. He was furious. I really don't see what else the driver could have done. The pedestrian was not at all paying attention and I think he deserved at least equal blame with the driver. I never assume someone sees me when either driving or walking where other vehicles are involved. I don't expect others to be responsible for my safety, I take care of myself.
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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

I'm really cautious too. I never assume they see me. It's bizarre to me the things the non-lookers do, walkers and drivers. I'm always saying to my husband "Did you see that, they didn't even look!".
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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

I have a backup camera in my car plus the safety system is supposed to beep if a person walks behind my car when it's in reverse. It doesn't always do that. I will look over my shoulder, look at the screen and start to back up. I swear people come out of nowhere without a thought to watching their surroundings. I almost nailed a woman last week who was too busy looking at her list as she was walking into the grocery store. I've been halfway out of the parking space only to see some nitwit walking casually by.

When I'm walking behind vehicles I'm always on the lookout. I don't want to be hit.

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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

Some people walk right out of a store and never look either way to even see if a car is approaching. I feel like blowing my horn at them.

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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

The newer cars have sensors that let them know when someone is too close or behind their car but obviously a pedestrian shouldn't rely on that.

eta: just saw kdgn's post.

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Re: Walking behind a row of cars in a parking lot

They want their day in court followed by a big check.
Keepin' it real.