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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

It's history and I enjoy learning about history. Aviation effects all of us in today's world.

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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants


Thank you. 💕
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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

I will be checking it out.  Sounds interesting.  But I'm sure some of it will be funny.  I remember days when people dressed up to fly.  Suits, hats, gloves.  Now anything goes.  Some good memories when I was small, we sometimes went to see planes land, get a coke and maybe lunch.  It was good memories with our dad.  


Last time I flew (a few years ago) TSA made a guy turn his very vulgar t shirt inside out.  ok, comfortable, yes, but some sights to see on any plane.  Not the great experience it once was.  

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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

[ Edited ]

Indeed @lynnie61. I remember those suit days as needed to travel for business meetings quite often back in the day. Even though long retired, I still tend to dress in what be described as casual business attire versus pajama lounge clothing.


Last time I flew to Europe, I just happen to be behind a group of flight attendants from Emirates Airlines in the TSA line. Their polished looking attire took me right back to those early days of airline travel. 


This thread has made me recall a tv series called Pan Am that I never watched. I just remember the promos of the stewardesses dressed in 60s style attire. After a google search, I see it was short lived 1 season in 2011 with Margot Robbie & Christinia Ricci. Lord knows why my brain was storing that visual. LOL


p.s. My sister worked for TSA for years on line. They get an eyeful minute to minute. Smiley LOL


@lynnie61 wrote:

I will be checking it out.  Sounds interesting.  But I'm sure some of it will be funny.  I remember days when people dressed up to fly.  Suits, hats, gloves.  Now anything goes.  Some good memories when I was small, we sometimes went to see planes land, get a coke and maybe lunch.  It was good memories with our dad.  


Last time I flew (a few years ago) TSA made a guy turn his very vulgar t shirt inside out.  ok, comfortable, yes, but some sights to see on any plane.  Not the great experience it once was.  


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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

@nwbabs   I remember that show, I really enjoyed it.  I knew it was short lived.  I'll have to google it.  I can't believe it was 2011!  


I think the PBS special will be good.  

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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

@lynnie61 wrote:

I will be checking it out.  Sounds interesting.  But I'm sure some of it will be funny.  I remember days when people dressed up to fly.  Suits, hats, gloves.  Now anything goes.  Some good memories when I was small, we sometimes went to see planes land, get a coke and maybe lunch.  It was good memories with our dad.  


Last time I flew (a few years ago) TSA made a guy turn his very vulgar t shirt inside out.  ok, comfortable, yes, but some sights to see on any plane.  Not the great experience it once was.  




Remember the smoking sections on planes?  Of course, everyone on the plane was exposed to the smoke.  Must have been a nighmare for the flight attendants.



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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

@mormel20 As I remember it, flight attendants in the old days were registered nurses.  In fact, some of the luxury trains of the day also had registered nurses on board to assist passengers.

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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

@lynnie61 wrote:

I will be checking it out.  Sounds interesting.  But I'm sure some of it will be funny.  I remember days when people dressed up to fly.  Suits, hats, gloves.  Now anything goes.  Some good memories when I was small, we sometimes went to see planes land, get a coke and maybe lunch.  It was good memories with our dad.  


Last time I flew (a few years ago) TSA made a guy turn his very vulgar t shirt inside out.  ok, comfortable, yes, but some sights to see on any plane.  Not the great experience it once was.  

When I was a kid and flew with my parents, we never dressed up. Clean, presentable and comfortable was the order of the day. When I started traveling for work, I had to wear a suit most of the time as I was going right to client meetings from the airport. What a miserable experience! It might have "looked" good, but it was horribly uncomfortable, and it wasn't because the suits didn't fit properly.  And running thru an airport in heels if I needed to hustle to make a connection? Painful. It only took a couple of trips before I started wearing comfy flats and tucking the heels in to my bag. Switching to business casual or "dress for your day" was a very welcome change. 

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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

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Re: Upcoming PBS: history of flight attendants

@rockygems123 wrote:



Do you know the date that this will air?  I didn't see it in the link.

I just set it up to record. It will be aired next Tuesday evening. The link was removed.