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My guess is she's already been caught putting her trash in her closest neighbors receptacles.  


I would definitely let her know you saw her this morning, and that you don't want it to happen again, or you will report her to the HOA.   

At least your trashy neighbor puts her trash in bags for pickup; my trashy neighbors just throw their bags in the yard, and draw rats.  


After 2 years of us confirming to the county assessor that people do in fact live there, he must've said something, as a minimal, but noticeable, "cleanup effort", was attempted.    

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I think you should advise the HOA. This woman had no business entering your property let alone throwing  her trash in your receptacle.She's probably done it before. I wouldn't give her a pass. JMO.

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I'd start a little "to-catch-a-trash-piggybacker" log and record the date and time I saw her do it. Put this down as the first item. Once you've got 3 or 4 recorded on there, then take it to the HOA. For it to be taken more seriously, it helps if you can show a pattern.

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"Power without love is reckless and abusive, and love without power is sentimental and anemic." - Dr. Martin Luther King Jr
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Invest in a ring camera that way when she does it again you can show her proof.
We have one above our garage. We knew our neighbors dog was using our beautiful well maintained front yard to go #2 but couldn't prove it, they denied it when we asked them kindly not to let their dog in our yard, their dog is outside in their front yard all day long. So after we installed the camera and have proof it was their dog I called animal control, they tried to deny it to the animal control officer but once they realize we have a camera showing it was their dog it took care of the problem. My husband doesn't have to clean up their dog mess or step in it anymore. BTW their yard isn't as well maintained as ours!
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I would have confronted while she was doing it.  Caught.

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Re: Trashy Neighbor

[ Edited ]

@jellyBEAN wrote:

@Kachina624 wrote:

What are the chances of you catching her again?  If you want it to stop, you'll have to confront her.... too bad you didn't do it this morning.  I would have been tempted to put her bag of trash by her front door.


The nerve of people never ceases to amaze. 

I know, I feel the same. 


And everyone who lives in this community has their own trash receptacle.  Her receptacle was sitting right at the curb in front of her home and it didn't appear to be over-filled, nor did her neighbors on either side of her.


Yes, I'm sorry I just didn't walk outside and confront her.  It's not my nature to confront a person who is basically a stranger to me.  I'll have to get bold in my old age!!

Yup....time to get BOLD....this probably wasn't her first time.....and won't be her last....until you confront her.....just tell her you saw what she did....and not to do it again.....maybe you could ask her if she has her own receptacle.....and then as you walk could tell her if she does it're going to report had a dear friend who used to say, "everyone is an a**hole!!"  just read that she does have her own receptacle....what the heck is she thinking......

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@GenXmuse wrote:

I would let it go this time and if she does it again say something in case this was just an one off. 

all my life i've let things go....i'm 71....i don't let things go anymore......

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@nana59 wrote:

@GenXmuse wrote:

I would let it go this time and if she does it again say something in case this was just an one off. 

all my life i've let things go....i'm 71....i don't let things go anymore......

I've noticed. 

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i had something similar happen to me some  years ago .

I spoke with the man neighbor about this, he was ignorant guy,the world owed him  attitude.

anyway when it happened again, I called the higher up people to stop this garbage dumping in my cans, it stopped but he was also arrested for terrorist threatening to the neighbor hood, he went off the deep end.he moved shortly after this episode.


hope you can stop these episodes.

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Maybe I'm missing something but this seems petty especially since you said you would have been fine with it had it been handled differently. My suggestion is to be the bigger person and let it go. It's trash. It will be picked up soon enough.

Also, instead of 'treating her the same', what's the harm in waving to her, etc just because she may not wave to you? The world needs more neighborliness, not less.