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A long time ago I used to shop there. Ten years ago I got cancer so I really watch what I eat now.
I went in to the one in Scottsdale and they did not have any organic veggies. I picked up a couple of things then asked about the veggies. Lady said her holistic Dr. Said TJ veggies were very clean. She worked there...I was really surprised.
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@Cakers3 wrote:

I think one of the issues as to why some like TJ's and others do not - if you are already familiar with TJ's and shop there you will most likely continue to do so.


Folks who have never been in one are hesitant when one does open up in their areas because it is natural to compare it to local markets.  


TJ's just isn't your regular grocery store.  I very seldom see shoppers with full carts and multiple bags of items when they leave the store as you do in other stores.


Usually folks might have one or two bags the most, as we do.


We had TJ's back home so when they finally opened here we naturally went; some here who were not familiar with TJ's expected to see it the same as the local chain or Whole Foods.


I think that is why some get turned off by TJ's.



Nope I wasnt expecting to do my full week's grocery shopping at TJ's just looking for unique and different items like I find at Central Market

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”
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One time I returned 4 cartons for the same reason at a different store. I found that when you twist the cap off it also punctures the foil. They're made to do that. I purchase my stock from Trader Joe's. It makes perfect sense. You don't contaminate the stock by sticking a knife or your finger peeling the foil back. A health food grocery store clerk told me why.

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@Spurt wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

I think one of the issues as to why some like TJ's and others do not - if you are already familiar with TJ's and shop there you will most likely continue to do so.


Folks who have never been in one are hesitant when one does open up in their areas because it is natural to compare it to local markets.  


TJ's just isn't your regular grocery store.  I very seldom see shoppers with full carts and multiple bags of items when they leave the store as you do in other stores.


Usually folks might have one or two bags the most, as we do.


We had TJ's back home so when they finally opened here we naturally went; some here who were not familiar with TJ's expected to see it the same as the local chain or Whole Foods.


I think that is why some get turned off by TJ's.



Nope I wasnt expecting to do my full week's grocery shopping at TJ's just looking for unique and different items like I find at Central Market

@Spurt   We also like Central Market.  The produce is the best.  I also lke being able to buy just a bit of  a special spice or herb that I might not need all the time.


Funny story:  I needed about a cup of flour and they had one with an odd name like "OO" or something.  It was the only regular flour so I bought it.


I put it in a jar at home and later on I noticed what looked like bugs.  So I dumped it.  Turned out they were not bugs but some type of grain.  The next time we were there I looked at this flour and indeed it had some type of grain in it.  LOL

"" Compassion is a verb."-Thich Nhat Hanh
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Posts: 35,037
Registered: ‎03-20-2010

@Cakers3 wrote:

@Spurt wrote:

@Cakers3 wrote:

I think one of the issues as to why some like TJ's and others do not - if you are already familiar with TJ's and shop there you will most likely continue to do so.


Folks who have never been in one are hesitant when one does open up in their areas because it is natural to compare it to local markets.  


TJ's just isn't your regular grocery store.  I very seldom see shoppers with full carts and multiple bags of items when they leave the store as you do in other stores.


Usually folks might have one or two bags the most, as we do.


We had TJ's back home so when they finally opened here we naturally went; some here who were not familiar with TJ's expected to see it the same as the local chain or Whole Foods.


I think that is why some get turned off by TJ's.



Nope I wasnt expecting to do my full week's grocery shopping at TJ's just looking for unique and different items like I find at Central Market

@Spurt   We also like Central Market.  The produce is the best.  I also lke being able to buy just a bit of  a special spice or herb that I might not need all the time.


Funny story:  I needed about a cup of flour and they had one with an odd name like "OO" or something.  It was the only regular flour so I bought it.


I put it in a jar at home and later on I noticed what looked like bugs.  So I dumped it.  Turned out they were not bugs but some type of grain.  The next time we were there I looked at this flour and indeed it had some type of grain in it.  LOL



Too funny! 🤣🤣🤣


And a similar thing happened to me with cereal, I thought it was bugs in my cereal and had already dumped the box into my Lock N Lock container and I took it back to the store....and the Manager said, these are not bugs they do not have antennas---and he went back and grabbed another box and said see these flakes are sprinkled with toasted oats.....I WAS SO EMBARRASSED.....🤣🤣🤣🤣

Animals are reliable, full of love, true in their affections, grateful. Difficult standards for people to live up to.”