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😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

BAD NEWS:  Woke me up at 4:00 AM. icon_exclaim.gif


GOOD NEWS:  These 3 Orajel products WORKS in the following order......






proxy-image-3.jpgFor me.  By the time I got back into bed, I drifted right off to sleep!  Woke at 7a.m. for a nature call to realize NO PAIN! My gum around the tooth is no longer sore either.  It's like the toothach was only a dream.  Was it? confused.gif  NOPE!  products still sitting on the bathroom sink right where I left them 4:00 AM. Smiley Tongue



I believe product #2 did the trick.  First time user.  First time "instant" relief.






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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

Yikes...that sounds awful.  Glad you got relief, but please make a dental appointment.  You could have an infection going on.

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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

[ Edited ]

@Mz iMac  Toothaches are one of the worst, but Orajel is great.  I wish that they made that for every body part!  Even though I rarely have a problem with my teeth, I never travel without it.


I agree with @alicedee to make a dental appointment.  Even in these crazy times, it is still better to see the dentist than to depend on Orajel.  Good luck and get rid of that pain!

The next time that I hear salt and ice together, it better be in a margarita!
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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

@Mz iMac wrote:

BAD NEWS:  Woke me up at 4:00 AM. icon_exclaim.gif


GOOD NEWS:  These 3 Orajel products WORKS in the following order......





I believe product #2 did the trick.  First time user.  First time "instant" relief.



Thank you, Mz iMac  


That is good to know. I appreciate you letting us know that the products do work when needed.


If you have a toothache, you don't want a product that is just good marketing. You want something that produces results.. 


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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

@Mz iMac  Toothaches are HORRIBLE.  I would call and get an X-ray of the tooth....they can see what is going on and address the issue.  It may be nothing serious or it may show infection starting and tooth die off....


You could give it a couple days to settle down....sometimes teeth just act up....flare up and then it goes away....


BUT....if it is the tooth dying....the tooth ache will come back with a vengeance. Better to address the tooth  BEFORE you wait too long and your face get all swollen and miserable.  

I have had about 6 root canals....all started with a tooth ache. I learned my lesson NOT to wait to long. The last time I became terribly swollen in one day...and could not open my jaw to let him work on the tooth! It took days of strong antibiotics to get the swelling down  enough to open my mouth🙁

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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

I get my teeth cleaned every 6 months and even had them bleached this yr.

Went in May, then, went back in July to have ZOOM procedure to whiten them .   Yellow teeth ages you and is ugly. LOL


Haven't missed a hair cut either go every 6 wks.

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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

Your post reminds me that I need to have one of those products on hand just in case! 

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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

@SharkE I consider you brave.I haven't had any hair,dental or medical appointments since December.My friend goes to a salon with only one stylist and I was about to go when the stylist informed my friend that she tested positive for Covid,

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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

@Mz iMac 


Toothaches are very painful and so glad you are feeling better..... 🦷

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Re: 😠 $#!? Toothache!!!!!! 😠

Wow, they can hurt.  Hope help will come to the rescue.