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Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

A Malayan tiger was shot at the Naples FL zoo after a member of a 3rd party cleaning crew put his arm in tiger enclosure trying to pet or feed the big cat.


Surprise, surprise the tiger did what tigers do...grabbed the brain trust by his arm.


First deputy on scene saw tiger had guy by his arm and shot it to free the guy.


Crew was to clean restrooms and gift shop only.


There are approximately only 200 Malayan tigers left in the world whereas there are millions of idiots, I say save the cat.

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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

good grief. 

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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

Proving yet again, you can't fix stupid.

"Cats are poetry in motion. Dogs are gibberish in neutral." -Garfield
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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

I hope he is charged at least.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. Margaret Mead
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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

How sad is it that this beautiful tiger lived in a zoo?


Yes, humans are stupid.

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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

While some zoos are not good environments (some are excellent, others not) they play an important role in breeding programs to continue breeds that are endangered and likely to become extinct at some point.

I prefer the San Diego Wild Animal Park because of the acres the animals have to roam.
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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

 Now this person will have a reminder on his arm, Stupid stupid stupid.

Wondering if everyone needs to complete training on safety procedures at the Zoo. and tested. This guy Failed.

I feel so bad for the Tiger

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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

This REALLY angers me!


Yeah, maybe they should have shot the idiot and let the innocent tiger live.  Smiley Mad


He had no business, not only being there but sticking his hand in the cage.

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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

@Carmie Normally, I would agree. But the way things are going, eventually life will look like the movie Blade Runner, with only pictures left of magnificent animals becoming extinct in the wild, for all the unthinkable reasons. Having a few of these facing extinction in captivity may ensure they aren't forever gone. 


I was sickened that this tiger was sacrificed for a moronic human. I've no sympathy for him, unless he was mentally ill and voices told him to go pet the tiger. Even then ... well ...


It's sad there wasn't some other method to get the tiger to release. Something non lethal.

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Re: Tiger Shot Due Because of Stupid Human.

@BostonMommy   I wish I thought people like this cleaning man would choose to follow his training.  I believe this j... knew what he was doing, but assumed he was smart enough and fast enough to avoid the the tiger.  All ego, no thought.  

I join those who think what he did was criminal.  Some who have done far less are in prison already.