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Re: Tiger Loose in Knoxville, TN

The officer might have mistaken juvenile tiger for a breed of house cat called a Toyger.4A2CE387-115C-414B-99BB-85276479C076.jpeg

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Re: Tiger Loose in Knoxville, TN

Mindy D:   What a beautiful cat...........I'd print it, but my printer isn't working.  Need a new one.


Bless this cat and all cats, tigers, animals.

'More or less', 'Right or wrong', 'In general', and 'Just thinking out loud ' (as usual).
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Re: Tiger Loose in Knoxville, TN

@Mindy D wrote:

The officer might have mistaken juvenile tiger for a breed of house cat called a Toyger.4A2CE387-115C-414B-99BB-85276479C076.jpeg



@Mindy D   There's been at least four sightings now.  One was by a boy walking his dog.  Another was a woman who saw it in her back yard.  It sounds like it really is a tiger.

The Bluebird Carries The Sky On His Back"
-Henry David Thoreau

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Re: Tiger Loose in Knoxville, TN

@NickNack wrote:


@Mindy D   There's been at least four sightings now.  One was by a boy walking his dog.  Another was a woman who saw it in her back yard.  It sounds like it really is a tiger.



How terrifying! That's the stuff of nightmares....yikes!

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Now that the story has been revised to the deputy seeing...

Now that the story has been revised to the deputy seeing what he believed to be a juvenile tiger I am wondering if what people are seeing is a the Toyger cat or else a Bengal cat.   


From a distance and if it was moving fast I could see someone mistaking it for a very young tiger.


This is quite a story and if it is a real tiger my prayers are for a satisfactory outcome with no injuries to either human or animal.



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Re: Tiger Loose in Knoxville, TN

[ Edited ]

I live in central NJ.  It is suburban with lots of pretty developments.   In 1999 there was a report of a loose full grown tiger roaming the area of Jackson NJ.  I couldn't believe it & thought it had to be false.  Then I thought it possibly escaped from the Safari park of Great Adventure amusement park in the area.  The park denied it.  As it turned out the animal escaped from a private tiger sanctuary that 1 woman (Joan Byron-Masarek) was keeping in Jackson NJ.  Police came upon the animal & unfortunately it was shot.  The state of NJ eventually shut down the sanctuary.  The whole situtation was very sad.

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Re: Tiger Loose in Knoxville, TN

I am hoping and praying for a good outcome to this terrible scenario for the tiger. At this point, it is only thinking survival. 


Unfortunately, there is always the gung ho hunter who wants to bring down the trophy. 


I believe it is a sin that people think wild animals can be pets. They can't speak for themselves. 

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Re: Tiger Loose in Knoxville, TN

The face of a tiger is very distinctive with its white patches above the eyes. Also, only wild big cats have spots on the back side of each ear. Domestic cats do not have that. Tigers have longer tails than cats do.

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Re: Now that the story has been revised to the deputy seeing...

@J Town Girl wrote:

Now that the story has been revised to the deputy seeing what he believed to be a juvenile tiger I am wondering if what people are seeing is a the Toyger cat or else a Bengal cat.   


From a distance and if it was moving fast I could see someone mistaking it for a very young tiger.


This is quite a story and if it is a real tiger my prayers are for a satisfactory outcome with no injuries to either human or animal.



If the age guesstimate of 4-6 months old is correct it would be one scary Toyger, Bengal or any other domestic cat.


Picture of a Tiger Cub who is 120 Days Old. This Tiger Cub is around 30 to 40 pounds in terms of its weight.

The eyes through which you see others may be the same as how they see you.
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Re: Now that the story has been revised to the deputy seeing...

The tiger has still not been caught.  Residents of the area must be on pins and needles.