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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

I am sorry to say that things you grab out of your "gift closet" just to hand something to a person that shows up with a gift for you isn't thoughful.


I would be gracious enough to say "Thank you", but I wouldn't want a 'gift' like that.


I enjoy going to Flea Markets....rummage sales... and I see TONS of unopened candles.....picture frames... coffee mugs and gift sets of bath soap and lotions. I suspect most of it are donated unwanted Christmas gfts..

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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

@Sooner  They are meant to avoid cursing the darkness as in, "better to light a candle than to curse the darkness".

I suppose you could light the $10 but the candle would last longer. 

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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

@occasionalrain wrote:

@Sooner  They are meant to avoid cursing the darkness as in, "better to light a candle than to curse the darkness".

I suppose you could light the $10 but the candle would last longer. 

@occasionalrain Oh gosh thanks!  We took the plunge and installed electricity a few years back!  D*%&n!  Who knew?  

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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

@stevieb Oh darn!  You would for sure have had input to the food thread. . . LOL!!!

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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

@I am still oxox wrote:

While I like the light from a candle I have asthma and the scents bother my breathing, I prefer to use batter operate lights

I suffer from chronic migraines and have to be very careful what I choose to burn or a migraine will seconds.


I can wear very few perfumes for the same reason.


**Careful... I have caps lock and I am not afraid to use it.**
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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

I can't believe there really is an electric appliance dedicated to making s'mores.  

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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

I get migraines with just a scent, with that said. 


I made the Christmas wish lists at the office (2 weeks of secret santa and one main gift) and I made sure to put different categories. In my least favorite I put scented candles or lotions. Friday I received a candle with a very strong scent. I placed it in a bag and will give it to someone who will enjoy it. 



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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

I like candles.  I'll take them all.

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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

A couple years ago after our family exchanged gifts, I saw my daughter-in-law and her daughter take the Phil shower and bath gel I had given them and put both bottles into my daughter's bag.  I thought they were mistakenly putting them into her bag and told them they had the wrong bag.  They then told me they were allergic to the lavender in the products and couldn't use them.  Later, I checked the fragrances in the items and lavender wasn't listed.   So, lesson learned!  They no longer receive any gifts that are scented or for the skin.  Since they claimed to be allergic to something that wasn't even in the formulas, I have to wonder why they didn't want them.  Now, I take the easy way out, they both get money. 

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Re: They hate xmas gifts so picky & un greatful

I agree people are ungrateful. I have never gotten a gift I did not like in my entire life. Also I have never taken anyones gift back.I appreciate ALL my gifts and use them/wore them whatever!  Lastly, I have never regifted and I find it tacky to do so. (I actually know someone who accidently regifted a gift to someone who bought them the gift the year before! And it caused arguing!) 

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make~ The Beatles