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These Boards Are Too Censored

I just posted a topic that got poofed. There was no profanity in it. I guess you are not allowed to speak about the rights of people in regard to their differences!
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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored

Profanity is not the only reason for a poofed thread.

If the subject was controversial or political, it will be removed.

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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored

[ Edited ]

I am SUPER political on my Facebook feed and follow many political or activist groups on my feed. That's my place to say whatever I want and people can follow me, friend me, or not. My Facebook page is my house, my rules. My friends have control over what they see on their own walls if they don't like what I am saying and can turn my posts off on their own walls.


Here on the forums, this is not my house. This is QVC's house. And QVC has many guests who agree with me and many who do not. They no longer have an ignore feature, so we can't simply turn off the posts we don't like or want to see.  That means QVC has a heavier burden as our hosts to make sure that everyone feels welcome, which means they get rid of controversial topics that some people feel very passionate about and don't want to see.


I'm okay with that. In QVC's house, I abide by their rules because I know that I can go back to my Facebook house and say whatever I want in my house.

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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored


@mstyrion 1 wrote:

Profanity is not the only reason for a poofed thread.

If the subject was controversial or political, it will be removed.

AND, if some clique that exists here and there definitely is one - doesn't like you or your thread, they report their 'offense'.  Doesn't seem right does it.  If it was really checked into, then those posters need to be permanently banned. 

Never Forget the Native American Indian Holocaust
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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored

You would think with all the changes to these boards, and not for the better, they would be grateful for the activity! I think al lot of people have shied away since the changes. I know I don't visit and respond here much anymore.
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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored

@ChynnaBlue wrote:

I am SUPER political on my Facebook feed and follow many political or activist groups on my feed. That's my place to say whatever I want and people can follow me, friend me, or not. My Facebook page is my house, my rules. My friends have control over what they see on their own walls if they don't like what I am saying and can turn my posts off on their own walls.


Here on the forums, this is not my house. This is QVC's house. And QVC has many guests who agree with me and many who do not. They no longer have an ignore feature, so we can't simply turn off the posts we don't like or want to see.  That means QVC has a heavier burden as our hosts to make sure that everyone feels welcome, which means they get rid of controversial topics that some people feel very passionate about and don't want to see.


I'm okay with that. In QVC's house, I abide by their rules because I know that I can go back to my Facebook house and say whatever I want in my house.



It's God's job to judge the terrorists. It's our mission to arrange the meeting. U.S. Marines
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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored

I saw your post, Jordan.  Similar posts have been permitted before.  Maybe it depends on who's in charge at the time ?

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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored

@LyndaGee wrote:

I saw your post, Jordan.  Similar posts have been permitted before.  Maybe it depends on who's in charge at the time ?


I agree, There is no rhyme or reason as to what goes and stays. 

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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored

is that the one with the confederate flag vs cosby's bust?


I can see why that would be taken down - the confederate flag and discussions around it are a no-no here.



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Look, I don’t like the taste of broccoli, but it doesn’t get tastier if you call it “Broccoli!”!
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Re: These Boards Are Too Censored

No - It was about boy scouts.