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Re: The office gossip got back to me......

wow, it seems she only knows how to wrangle gifts from anyone,everyone she can and she has no shame on how she gets these gifts.

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Re: The office gossip got back to me......

That is so tacky.


i eidh office’s would hsve zer tollerance for gossip.


We had a thing at my old office where we xollected money to help someone going through a hard tme. Then we found out she bought a horse with the money.

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Re: The office gossip got back to me......

I have worked in companies where a week does not go by without being hit up for something (birthdays, retirement, showers etc etc).  I did not work for fun.  I needed the money or I would not have been there.  If I had extra money I wanted to spend it on my family not co workers.  This women is unbelievable.  I would hope she wanted nothing to do with me.  I could not afford her nor would I want to.  I still do not understand why when someone makes a voluntary change in their life...marriage, babies, new homes,  etc.  why it should cost me....It is their decision and theirs to pay for.  When you have showers, home warming parties etc.  it is like you are sending out bills to people.  If someone wants to give you a gift they can do it without being called to a gathering so you will have to do it.  When my children were growing up if I did not invite the whole family on my husbands side to their birthday party they did not get gifts.  I wanted to just invite their friends for a kids  party not 30 or more adults to cook for and clean up after.  As you can see this was a big peeve of mine.  If someone I care for has an occasion, I can buy a gift and send or take it to them without being told or guilted into it.

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Re: The office gossip got back to me......

Her co workers should realize she probably talks about them too.

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Registered: ‎08-08-2010

Re: The office gossip got back to me......

[ Edited ]

Some people are so entitled and the sad thing is, they didn't become that way all by themselves. 


Sometimes parents are to blame. And always, those who feed their greed are to blame. 


I'm sure there are countless people who have received her invites and 'requests' over they years and rather than be talked about or take a stand, they gave her what she wanted. Shame on them. They helped to create the little monster she is today. 


Kudos to you @Abrowneyegirl for not buying into her schemes and taking a stand on this one. Maturity has it's benefits and rewards, like not feeling pressured to participate in this girl's (yes, I said girl, she is not a woman with this kind of behavior) fantasy that the world revolves around her, and being able to do it without guilt or remorse.

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Registered: ‎09-01-2010

Re: The office gossip got back to me......

I would enjoy being the center of office gossip in this situation.   Our office participated in many things to help coworkers in and out of our department, but we never got involved with gift grab situations.   I don’t do gift grabs with our families either.   Enough is enough.