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Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

@I am still oxox wrote:

It was not a nurse who took the BP it was the Doc, he kept teeling them this is normal for m, this is normal but the doc went into panic mode. At the hospital his BP was normal for him and they thuht the whole thing was a bit unnecessary.



@RedTop wrote:

@I am still oxox

Based on what I know from our own local "doc in a box", or Med Express, they are not the best place for treatment of certain conditions.   The walk in clinic here has referred several people I know to the local ER for situations very similar to your husbands low BP.   


Since Med Express physicians have no access to a patient's medical record to verify any health information on specific issues like your husbands normal low BP, they always refuse to treat that patient to avoid any potential issues.   Even if a nurse had taken the BP manually, and gotten the lower than normal reading, the doctor would not accept liability to prescribe the needed treatment.   


I think your husband was better off to receive his treatment at the ER.   Hopefully he will feel better soon.   


Then your complaint would be with the facility...NOT the flu shot.

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Posts: 14,488
Registered: ‎04-18-2013

Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

[ Edited ]

The funny thing about the time I got the flu (the only funny thing!) was that I got it the night I'd met a handsome guy who worked at the club I'd gone to with some friends to dance.  


Spent some time with the guy and WHAM by the time he'd gone home I was G-O-N-E.


He called me the next day and talking to him was like some kind of weird fuzzy dream sequence  (I didn't realize I had a raging fever).  I remember thinking, "OH, WOW, this must be LOVE".  


I think I thought he'd literally swept me off my feet.





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Registered: ‎11-06-2014

Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

  I never had a flu shot and didn't want one the year the major hospital chain I worked for made it mandatory we get one if we were in patient care. I was familiar with all of the potentially bad but very rare side effects and the fact that the makers were guessing on which strain of flu would hit us that year and then incorporate that in a shot but I desperately wanted to keep my job and I broke down and got one.  I've got one ever since and never had the flu.

 My dear father rest his soul got his flu shot regularly.  His last year he asked me several times when exactly was he getting his flu shot which wasn't normal for him to be so obsessed about it.  Evidently he wrote date of flu shot clinic at his doctors on his daytimer.  The day came and I wasn't home that morning and he was so adamant about getting it the minute it was first available he called a friend of mine to drive him over to flu shot clinic (due to medication he was not allowed to drive at the time) and got his flu shot.  A few months later on Xmas morning he didn't get up. I went to check on him, finally got him sitting upright but he couldn't talk!  I called 911, was sure he must have had a stroke.  All of us kids waited in the ER, stroke was ruled out, 2 days later it was confirmed he had the flu!  He was so miserable, writhing in agony, we couldn't touch him without him jerking away and moaning!  He hadn't spoke since Xmas eve and never regained consciousness but he made it obvious he was miserable!  We made the heart breaking decision ( according to his living will)  to transfer him to Hospice that night, he died peacefully early morning Dec 30, 2014. I miss him terribly but I still get a flu shot and will continue to.  Even though my father was healthy and had been to the gym and yoga a several times that week of Xmas he was 90 yrs old.  My point is the flu does and will kill, especially the weak, young, elderly, and those with health problems!  It's nothing to mess around with or take lightly!  Xoxo I did not write this to scare you!  I'm so glad you took your man in and hope everyone follows your lead when they suspect the flu!   If you take your loved one in and they are treated and they get worse or fail to improve do not hesitate to take them back to the ER!  Xoxo did they give your man tamiflu?  I don't even know if they still use it or have something newer they give to shorten the duration of the flu since I haven't worked in the field for over 10 years.  Most people recover from the flu.  But there are far too many that die from it every year (up to 49,000 per year in the U.S. alone ) and I hope people don't take it so lightly!  

   As for urgent care facilities..... personally I think they are great for middle of the night kids ear infections, simple cut (not artery, not gushing blood in spurts) that requires stiches only, and sore throats.  Urgent care facilities are a booming business!  They are a running joke on our neighborhood email system NextDoor as we have 4-5 within 2-3 miles of each other.  They charge outrageous fees, often the patient is told the facility takes their insurance but not told the doctor and other staff caring for them do not take their insurance resulting in huge out of pocket bills and frustration!  Our local news here in Denver has done many stories on the outrageous, unfair, and sometimes illegal, yes illegal billing practices of urgent care facilities.  Bottom line for very simple, simple being key word medical problems and after you quiz each and every person that comes into your room if they take your insurance before they provide care they can be convenient, but if it were me I'd drive an extra 2 hours with a broken hand rather than go to one!  Do NOT go to an urgent care for a heart attack (among most other things just an example) all they will do is waste precious life saving time by filling out paperwork , having you wait, only to call you an ambulance to a real hospital and charge you for the effort!! 

   Xoxo thank you for sharing and opening a dialog on this important topic!  I hope you get some much needed rest, and your husband feels better soon.  As you know hand washing, hand washing is your best preventative!  I hope you don't get sick!  Lots of fluids and rest!


  If you're wondering how to know if it's the flu vs. a cold 

  A cold comes on slowly, you knew it was coming on, you feel bad but can function, no fever, no body 


  Flu, you go to work feeling fine, no warning you start feeling bad, within a couple/few hours you feel horrible and have to go home. Almost always have a fever, terrible body aches.


  Hope I didn't upset anyone. Hope I helped in some small way.....

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

It was not a  complaint about the shot this was warning about the effectiveness and then about how we were bullied at the walk in 



@Melania wrote:

@I am still oxox wrote:

It was not a nurse who took the BP it was the Doc, he kept teeling them this is normal for m, this is normal but the doc went into panic mode. At the hospital his BP was normal for him and they thuht the whole thing was a bit unnecessary.



@RedTop wrote:

@I am still oxox

Based on what I know from our own local "doc in a box", or Med Express, they are not the best place for treatment of certain conditions.   The walk in clinic here has referred several people I know to the local ER for situations very similar to your husbands low BP.   


Since Med Express physicians have no access to a patient's medical record to verify any health information on specific issues like your husbands normal low BP, they always refuse to treat that patient to avoid any potential issues.   Even if a nurse had taken the BP manually, and gotten the lower than normal reading, the doctor would not accept liability to prescribe the needed treatment.   


I think your husband was better off to receive his treatment at the ER.   Hopefully he will feel better soon.   


Then your complaint would be with the facility...NOT the flu shot.


Stop being afraid of what could go wrong and start being positive what could go right.
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Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

@Lila Belle But then  of course,

@Lila Belle wrote:
Some people self-diagnose the flu when it is only a virus.


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Registered: ‎06-25-2012

Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

@I am still oxox wrote:

Hubby had the shot and is now sick as a dog, spent all morning at urgent care and then the ER since the urgent care that is closest are huge misfits. Hubby has low BP all the time and it came up very low on the machine, the misfits should of done a manual pressure,, but they panciked big time  at the ER the pressure was low but normal for him. We left here at 10 and did not get home until after 5, what a fiasco.

No flu shot out there has ever claimed to prevent all strains of the flu. 

"Pure Michigan"
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Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

@FrostyBabe1 wrote:

I had the flu once, despite having received a flu shot. My doctor said I likely had a lighter case since I'd had the shot, but I still felt pretty darned awful for a couple of weeks.


Last year, the new doctor in the practice tried to talk me into getting the super duper flu shot, as well as shingles and pneumonia vaccines. I said no, just the regular flu shot, as that's all my insurance will cover. They would cover it if I was on one of their Medicare plans, but I've a long way to go before that. She persisted until I said "no" to any shots. I went to Walgreens and got the regular flu shot. 

I received the flu vaccine for 65 and over. I haven't had the flu in years, and now I'm down for the count. Feeling miserable as if I never had the flu shot. 😷

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Registered: ‎10-21-2010

Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

Whether or not to get the flu shot is a  decisions each person needs to make based on their own circumstances and what they feel is best for them.


That said - I don't think they ever said that the flu shot covers every strain/type of flu..they try but there is always something that shows up later on.


Also, not every sickness is the actually get a swab and they test it to be sure.  If caught in the early stages there are meds like Tamiflu that can assist.


Me, I work with the public all hours of the day - night - weekends etc. Including courts - ambulance personnel - hospitals etc...and would rather have a bit of immunity against something lol..than nothing.


I have a very disabled family member with low immunity and any type of anything virus or flu and can be more dangerous/serious to them  than the average person. It is not a risk I am willing to take.


I haven't read all the replies but we all need to make choices that work for us and our lifestyle along with other factors. 

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Posts: 10,560
Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

[ Edited ]

I would not blame that on the flu shot. No one ever said the flu shot would prevent every strain.  In addition, it sounds like your H has other medical issues that would impact him if he were to get even a small bug of any kind.  

Honored Contributor
Posts: 10,746
Registered: ‎01-19-2015

Re: The flu shot does not prevent all strains of the flu :(

I've been getting a flu shot every year for at least the last ten years, even though l'm not in a high risk category, and am not out in crowds very often. There was one year though, that l didn't get the vaccine. It was several years ago, when there was a shortage of the vaccine, and only high risk people were allowed to receive it.


Well, l got the flu that year! I was so sick for so long, l vowed l would NEVER  neglect to get a flu shot ever again, if l can help it!

~~Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the 'm' is silent.~~