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I was friends with Gail Renshaw, who was engaged to Dean Martin.  Never did see any of the Rat Pack live, though.

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Registered: ‎08-22-2013

I'm pretty sure my inlaws saw the Rat Pack several times on their Las Vegas treks. I think my MIL liked Sinatra, but I know she did not care for Sammy or DM. If you think about it, those guys would be considered as no talent compaired to the singers and performers today.

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Registered: ‎03-11-2010

I'm "older" and remember watching these guys on tv. Dean Martin also had a weekly tv show - and he never rehearsed. All of them were the GREATEST entertainers!!!!! Sammy Davis - could sing,dance, be funny. Frank Sinatra --- the best singer/actor. Together --- they were so natural and entertaining. Those Were the Days!!!!

End of an Era!!!!