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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

@eadu4 wrote:


     NO business should require their employees to do something that amounts to a medical procedure.  That's an HR lawsuit in the making.  And no, we should not have to show our "card"  Good grief.  Who is going to check them?  Who will know if they are authentic or not?    I had a bad reaction to my 1st shot and my doctors have straight up told me-no 2nd shot.  So according to you I shouldn't be allowed to work? 

     You want the shot get it, but please, there are people out there that can't get it and shouldn't and those that legitimately don't want it.  And it's fine.  They know the risks they don't need them pounded into them everyday that they are "at risk" "selfish", "anti-vaxxers" etc.    Not everyone is good with this vaccine I see alot of people mocking "freedom" of choice.   Last I knew it is freedom of choice for this.  You have no right to force what amounts to pushing a poison into anyone's  body just because you feel you are at risk and it makes you feel better if they have the vaccine. 

      To those who are vaccinated we don't care if you keep a mask on.   Fact is most by now are dirty, used over and over and many many people don't leave them on and repeatedly touch them in the store etc.   Throughout this thread all  I see is the continued disparaging and vilifying of those of us not wanting a vaccination (which is OPTIONAL by the way) and feel comfortable not wearing a mask.  Cases have massively dropped and are still dropping, and FYI the median age of all those that died is 80 the numbers are all published and can be Googled.   Let that sink in.  Our life expectancy age is 81. And please a "case" is just a case.  If there is no hospital or ventilator, they just recover at home as millions and millions did.  


     Covid-19 SURVIVAL RATES (per CDC): Ages 0-19: 99.997% Ages 20-49: 99.98% Ages 50-69: 99.5% Ages 70+: 94.6%.  Over 484,000 of the over 500,000 that died were 65 and older.  Those facts are available to anyone who wants to look them up.  The only ones that should remain in "precautions" should be those 65 and older with immune issues or those younger with issues.  This virus needs a  specific vulnerability to attach to in order to thrive and exploit.  Without that, it cannot thrive in your body and those are the ones that test positive and are asymptomatic.  


I don't meet any of the criteria you just provided with the exception of age range.  I do have other mitigating health factors to consider, despite your numbers.  Should I be jumping up and down because I'm not immuno compromised, yet have other co-morbidity factors for beating the virus?  I don't think so @eadu4 .  Please speak for yourself.


There are many who should still be wearing a mask.  

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

@agb80 wrote:

@CrazyDaisythey are very lax.  Didn't do anything until someone complained and then they asked them to leave in a very nice, sugary sweet tone.  Not a tone that said and don't do it again. 

Guess I just don't understand why anyone would go through that much time and effort just to hassle people who choose to wear a mask.  Then why would the store wait till someone complained?  That megaphone must have been very disruptive inside the store.  Then again why would someone hang around, let alone be close enough to know how these people were spoken to.

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

[ Edited ]

As I stated before, I will continue to wear a mask until I feel comfortable not wearing it.  Personal choice.  But, yes, my mask was ripped off my face by a perfect stranger in a parking lot last summer.  Some people have very strong feelings about not wearing masks.


On the news this morning, the newscasters seemed gleeful that our Covid illness and death rates are now down to what they were last July.  Huh?  Weren't we in bad shape last July?  Why are we celebrating to be back at that point?  The virus is still out there and many are not vaccinated.    .

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

My husband just returned from grocery shopping and only one person, an employee, was not wearing a mask and she was working the customer service counter.  Thank goodness for that! So it seems the majority have spoken and know that the pandemic is not over yet just because the CDC said you can go unmasked if you've been vaccinated. 

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

[ Edited ]

@tiny 2 wrote:

@liliblu wrote:

People with compromised immune systems have been wearing masks for years.  I know a few.  I would wear masks in certain setting pre-covid because my allergies.  Masks work.  Facts over fiction.



I was wearing them in winter long before Covid and will be wearing them long after. I am immune compromised due to medications and was sick all the time starting in Autumn through Spring. Once I started wearing a mask I have not had a cold, flu etc in years. It is worth the effort to put up with the inconvenience for me.

@tiny 2 @liliblu According to the Scleroderma Foundation, if one is on Mycophenolate (such as myself) the vaccine may be less than 50% effective. I will continue to mask when in public (stores, offices, etc).

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

There is no plus side.

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

@tototwo wrote:

As I stated before, I will continue to wear a mask until I feel comfortable not wearing it.  Personal choice.  But, yes, my mask was ripped off my face by a perfect stranger in a parking lot last summer.  Some people have very strong feelings about not wearing masks.


On the news this morning, the newscasters seemed gleeful that our Covid illness and death rates are now down to what they were last July.  Huh?  Weren't we in bad shape last July?  Why are we celebrating to be back at that point?  The virus is still out there and many are not vaccinated.    .

Yikes! That is assault! People like that give the non-violent majority of anti maskers a bad name.

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

@eadu4 Thank you for your insight.  I totally agree!  I am 81 and never feared the virus.

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

The  mask masks peoples bad breath!  Woman Frustrated

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Re: The Plus Side of Continuing to Wear a Mask

@Eager2Learn wrote:

@tiny 2 wrote:

@liliblu wrote:

People with compromised immune systems have been wearing masks for years.  I know a few.  I would wear masks in certain setting pre-covid because my allergies.  Masks work.  Facts over fiction.



I was wearing them in winter long before Covid and will be wearing them long after. I am immune compromised due to medications and was sick all the time starting in Autumn through Spring. Once I started wearing a mask I have not had a cold, flu etc in years. It is worth the effort to put up with the inconvenience for me.

@tiny 2 @liliblu According to the Scleroderma Foundation, if one is on Mycophenolate (such as myself) the vaccine may be less than 49% effective. I will continue to mask when in public (stores, offices, etc).

@Eager2Learn  @liliblu, Yes It is disappointing, some of the latest news Woman Sadbut remember there will be more data coming so we just have to be super careful in the meantime. I am truly happy for the fully vaccinated that have 95% immunity.