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Re: The Bad Words

[ Edited ]

Chynna Blue.  Listen to the retailers they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas.  This sounds pretty anti Christmas to me.  Where do you have your head buried? Fox has nothing to do with it.  Listen to CNN they do it too.  

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@naturalfan wrote:

If someone says Happy Holidays to me , I assume they mean BOTH Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  As long as they don't say something nasty, why does anyone care whether it's Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays.  Some people just like to have something to be contrary about.


Yes, I agree.  I would include 'Happy Hanakuh' (forgive me if I misspelled) in that Happy Holidays.  I just feel joyful that anyone cares enough to wish me well at this time of Jesus' birth.

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Saying Merry Christmas is something I have said all my life.  Unless I know someone is against it or of another faith, I just say it as a greeting meant to express happiness for the season.  I, so far, have never had anyone take issue with it.  I do like the the word Christ in Christmas.  For me, it makes it more about just getting and more about giving.  Just my take on it.

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I have always said Merry Christmas and I don't care if it's not PC.  I've never received any criticism for it.  When I worked for a Jewish firm, I wished them a Happy Chanukah.  No big deal either way.

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There has yet to be a Christmas season I haven't heard Merry Christmas.


That's fine although once in a while it would be nice if those who are so eager to hear those words would also remember to greet those of us who celebrate other holidays with the appropriate greeting.


And be happy to live in a country where you all can do that!

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I will wish people a Merry Christmas on Christmas day, Happy New Years on New Years Day etc..  At other times I wish people a Happy Holiday.  I know many people from different religions some celebrate Christmas others do not.  I feel it is the Holiday season, so I go with that.

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays are both meant to be pleasant greetings (I'm positive).  No one says Happy Holidays to be annoying, contrary to what I keep hearing.  Happy Holidays is probably more inclusive.  Say whatever greeting you prefer and people will say something nice back to you.  End of story.   (The title of this thread does seem divisive)

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@Q2girl wrote:

Chynna Blue.  Listen to the retailers they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas.  This sounds pretty anti Christmas to me.  Where do you have your head buried? Fox has nothing to do with it.  Listen to CNN they do it too.  


Nothing is prohibiting retailers from sayihng "Merry Christmas."  The whole controversy is contrived and silly.


Retailers frequently use "Happy Holidays" because in this time of year -- a time of year which stretches from the end of October into January and includes Halloween, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Advent, Solstice, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Eiphany, and Orhtodox Christmas -- it is inclusive and welcoming, plus it provides general well-wishes for this entire time of year.


Some people, though, who feel that unless their own holiday is specified, find it offensive because, apparently, it is somehow awful and offensive to wish everyone well.  Again, this is contrived and silly.


I do not celebrate Christmas, personally; however, as long as someone wishes me well -- whether it be "Merry Christmas," "Happy holidays," or even "Have a Cool Yule," I take it in the spirit in which it was intended and appreciate the pleasant thoughts and warm feelings. 

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Some posters try to turn every thread into an anti-Fox News thread.  It's an obsession, I guess.


OP, I knew exactly what you meant by starting this thread and I agree with you   I've noticed more and more people, including sales people, saying Merry Christmas instead of Happy Holidays and I like it.  I'm tired of this PC country watering down its traditions in an effort to make others feel 'less offended', LOL.


"Summer afternoon-summer afternoon; to me those have always been the two most beautiful words in the English language." ~Henry James
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@KYToby wrote:

@Q2girl wrote:

Chynna Blue.  Listen to the retailers they are not allowed to say Merry Christmas.  This sounds pretty anti Christmas to me.  Where do you have your head buried? Fox has nothing to do with it.  Listen to CNN they do it too.  


Nothing is prohibiting retailers from sayihng "Merry Christmas."  The whole controversy is contrived and silly.


Retailers frequently use "Happy Holidays" because in this time of year -- a time of year which stretches from the end of October into January and includes Halloween, All Saints Day, Thanksgiving, Chanukah, Advent, Solstice, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, Kwanzaa, New Year's Eve, New Year's Day, Eiphany, and Orhtodox Christmas -- it is inclusive and welcoming, plus it provides general well-wishes for this entire time of year.


Some people, though, who feel that unless their own holiday is specified, find it offensive because, apparently, it is somehow awful and offensive to wish everyone well.  Again, this is contrived and silly.


I do not celebrate Christmas, personally; however, as long as someone wishes me well -- whether it be "Merry Christmas," "Happy holidays," or even "Have a Cool Yule," I take it in the spirit in which it was intended and appreciate the pleasant thoughts and warm feelings. 


I guess someone took offense to my response because it appears to be gone now.  LOL.  I'll just say ITA with kytoby.


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