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@deepwaterdotter wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@Krimpette wrote:

I was just thinking what a difficult job you have, but how well you manage to do it!  Thank you!  I know there are others who will disagree with me (some will even harp on it sometimes), it can't be easy to try and be fair to all, and if necessary, even to shut down threads.  Kudos to all the mods here!!!

This thread is hilarious. Considering they've been deleting some posts, it shows how untrue that really is. lol

Given the inequity that you state, why do you think people continue to post on this forum?

Excellent question, @deepwaterdotter. I'm also curious to know what makes the comment made by @Krimpette untrue.



Your comment shows you share the same lack of understanding as the one who failed to educate herself on the what the right to freedom of speech really means and what you agreed to when you signed up to be a member of this forum. 



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I think there is a difference, sometimes, between a thread being shut down, and an individual post being removed.


A very small number of posters will employ a strategy that over time, has become starkly recognizable.    They'll inject rule-violating, hostile or personal attack comments into an otherwise well-conducted thread, in hopes that there will be a blanket shut-down of the whole thread.   Merely because they dislike the topic, or don't like the direction of the comments.  The offending poster will escalate his/her combativeness, hoping to draw the "returning fire" that will get a thread labeled controversial or argumentative.


In cases like those, the posts that should be removed, in my opinion, should be removed.  But if the thread is otherwise complying with QVC standards, it should be able to continue.


I could be wrong, but I think in general, if the "rule-observing" posters all completely ignored the offenders, and didn't respond to their salllies, more threads would be left up. 

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@Oznell Astute and well-stated observation.

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@SusieQ_2 wrote:

@deepwaterdotter wrote:

@ThinkingOutLoud wrote:

@Krimpette wrote:

I was just thinking what a difficult job you have, but how well you manage to do it!  Thank you!  I know there are others who will disagree with me (some will even harp on it sometimes), it can't be easy to try and be fair to all, and if necessary, even to shut down threads.  Kudos to all the mods here!!!

This thread is hilarious. Considering they've been deleting some posts, it shows how untrue that really is. lol

Given the inequity that you state, why do you think people continue to post on this forum?

Excellent question, @deepwaterdotter. I'm also curious to know what makes the comment made by @Krimpette untrue.



Your comment shows you share the same lack of understanding as the one who failed to educate herself on the what the right to freedom of speech really means and what you agreed to when you signed up to be a member of this forum. 




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Your points are well taken @Oznell but I disagree that the mods should have to weed out offending posts when they pile up exponentially throughout a thread. Not to mention that political and controversial topics are started by well-seasoned posters who know exactly how it will end but the op just wants a chance to get their opinion out there before someone points out it goes against the standards for posting. And then it seems we have those who simply want to post, run, and wait to see the mayhem that follows. Sad, but true.


I agree it can't be easy being a moderator, or at the very least it has to be incredibly frustrating trying to babysit a group of elderly women who don't want to abide by the rules they voluntarily agreed to when joining the the forum.


I do agree wholeheartedly with your last paragraph, but as someone who's been posting here for many, many years I can assure you that will never happen.


So again, thank you to our wonderful moderators for doing an amazing job!!! Smiley HappyHeart

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I’m a mod on another totally unrelated board. There are very strict guidelines on what topics are allowed. When the same topic(s) always yield the same arguments over and over and over…. I don’t blame the mods here for just poofing the entire thread. They have more to their job duties than just policing this place.
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@bikerbabe - I agree that the mods have more to their job than just monitoring these forums.


They are also CS reps and are excellent at that job, from my personal experience.


So, yes, a thank you to the Mods for doing what must seem like a thankless task sometimes.


It would be nice to think that everyone who signs up for this board would abide by the rules that are clearly stated, but we all know that's never going to happen.  Hence the need for moderators.

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Re: Thank you mods!

[ Edited ]



I have had experiences with 3+ posters in attack mode, quite often in a short period of time, just for stating an opinion or speaking the truth.  I was about to report them for harassment. 


A few words in reply letting them know I knew what they were doing stopped that behavior.  


In these cases it clearly wasn't to shut the thread down, it was to shut me down.  


I don't think any of us should put up with that type of behavior.  




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One thing that does puzzle me is, if someone doesn't like the way these boards are moderated, why continue to post here?  I'm sure there are other forum sites available that might be more suitable.

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@Krimpette wrote:

One thing that does puzzle me is, if someone doesn't like the way these boards are moderated, why continue to post here?  I'm sure there are other forum sites available that might be more suitable.

There are some people who wear blinders and just have to have their say no matter what.  It's all about THEM.  Plain and simple.