Occasional Contributor
Posts: 16
Registered: ‎05-02-2019

I have a TAAA anuerism that has progressed to 5.1. I need to go back

to the surgeon in 6 months. If it gets larger I wil need an operation.

I don't know how to calm down. Can someone tell me if they have been

in this situation? I am 77 and so depressed.  I humbly ask of you kind

ladies to please say a prayer for me. I am grateful for advice and prayers!

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Registered: ‎03-10-2010

Prayers are being sent for you.

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Registered: ‎12-17-2011

@Buddha cat   So sorry this is happening to you. I don’t do a lot of praying but I will start with you. Maybe my prayers will be answered because I don’t ask for a lot.

Esteemed Contributor
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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

So sorry you have to go through this.  Prayers are on the way.  (((Hugs)))



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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

I will pray ,and so must you. It will calm you, and strengthen you

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Registered: ‎05-09-2014

Let's apply some logic to replace or quell hysteria, pessimism, and depression:


I can't imagine you're in immediate danger if your surgeon isn't needing to see you or check for change in your condition until six months from now. If it was a distinct threat to your life right now, the doctor wouldn't be giving you an April appointment!  Think that over. Must you be overwrought for 6 months if your surgeon is less concerned?


Seek another surgical opinion. Get copies of all your films, test results or medical reports and go to a second surgeon for reassurance that the one doctor evaluating your has been accurate and within standard medical practices. When two Docs agree, you get more sure. 

Though there are risks involved in TAAA surgery in terms of side effects or things that might get complicated, the survival rate and success rate of this surgery is quite good. Ask your surgeon how many of these operations he's performed. How were the outcomes? How many had complications?  These are legitimate questions and surgeons routine,y answer these questions .  You're hiring a professional to work on your body! You think he's just the same as hiring a plumber?  Get his credentials and experience into your knowledge base to feel you have a solid skilled professional helping you. Ask the hospital for their statistics on TAAA surgery performed there and the mortality/ survival rate. Usually facts are more valid than made up reasons for terror. 

There is huge power in positive thinking. If you can believe that the prayers offered by strangers can be effective and your own faith supports belief in your ability to survive, why not actually start with the assumption that this will go your way, you will get through it just fine, your age is not too old to bring you back to good health no matter how you have to treat this. Change your mindset and you'll avoid the next 6 months being  stressed and terrified.


Do you choose anxiety or confidence? Age 77 should mean resilience and optimism acquired by life experience. Believe in doom only if you like the idea of it. Being brave doesn't mean not being scared.  It means squaring your shoulders, drying your eyes, getting facts and information and facing life's threats and challenges with balance of intellect and courage against worry and depression.


Take a few days to find your stride. Do some Google searches to find out about TAAA from Web MD or Mayo Clinic articles or similar. get busy with a list of questions and meet with the surgeon again. Resist succumbing to anecdotes about someone's cousin's brother's girlfriend's grandma who grew two heads after this  surgery.  (or maybe it was after some other surgery, but you should still be scared??)

Wishing you peace of mind and a turn of good fortune for your health. Stay strong. Yes, i will pray for you. 





Posts: 28
Registered: ‎10-15-2010

This is excellent advice and I could not have said it any better.  You will get through the next few months.  Follow his advice.  Take your medications religiously as thye will make a diffrence.  Praying for you.Heart 

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Registered: ‎05-09-2014

Here's a head start in research to get you thoroughly up to speed. These sources are easy to understand, not overly clinical, up to date and complete:


The more you know, the better questions you can ask, and the better decisions you can make. Knowledge and choices go hand in hand with faith and luck. 


Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 6,728
Registered: ‎03-19-2016

@Buddha cat    I'm sorry, and am not familiar with your situation. But you are seeing Drs. if you don't have to return to the surgeon until 6 months, you can enjoy those months and worry about it later. (Easier said than done)!
  Sometimes when I'm worrying a lot I'll turn the worries over to God. Then I can rest awhile and sleep.

   I'm 77 also and practice tai chi. I used to do classes, but now I do it for relaxation and stress relief. It's similar to meditation but slow movements. When I do it I can't think of anything else. 
   Take deep breaths, then lift your shoulders up and roll them. Gently roll your head in a circle. (That move is called rolling the egg).  Don't do it if it would bother you. You can do it in your mind also. The breathing helps. A walk helps. 
    You are in my prayers!

Esteemed Contributor
Posts: 5,296
Registered: ‎09-18-2010

Praying for you, @Buddha cat.