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Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

Granted, most of us don't try to pick up a snake but we should all be aware of which ones are deadly in our area from a bite, as we're spending more time outdoors.


This poor man found out the hard way, I hope he recovers.


"Alabama man Jeffrey Phillips has been paralyzed after trying to catch what he thought was a harmless milk snake for his brother.


The reptile was actually a coral snake, which has the same color and similar markings to a milk snake, but are actually the deadliest in the country. 


He was rushed to Anderson Hospital in Meridian, Mississippi, and antivenom was flown in to try and save his life, but the time delay meant the coral snake's poison had already done a lot of damage. 


'The snake bite has damaged his vision and he has become paralyzed,' a Go Fund Me account has been set up for the family's medical expenses said. 


'Due to the fact he did not receive the antivenom promptly it has caused many neurological problems. It should have been administered within the first 4-6 hours but he didn't receive it until approximately 40 hours past the bite. 


'He is still very sick and still in the Intensive Care Unit and could remain for a few more weeks. He will then need extensive physical therapy to learn how to walk, eat, write and all other every day activities.'


A rhyme used for centuries helps to tell the difference, and Dr Fogarty says it's a good way to stay safe. 


'Red touches yellow, kills a fellow. Red touches black, friend of Jack.'


Coral Snake:

Pictured: A deadly coral snake


Milk Snake:


Pictured: A harmless milk snake


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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

Yikes!    Luckily, I live in an older neighborhood and I've never seen a "varmint" close up............

♥Surface of the Sun♥
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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

Moral of the story:  Stay away from snakes.  

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

@Sooner When I visit my son in OK. I have seen some very large scary looking snakes especially by the fishing pond.I don’t feel comfortable working in his flower beds...saw a scorpion too.I agree stay away.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

@Sooner wrote:

Moral of the story:  Stay away from snakes.  



I totally agree, but you can't often do that.


If one infiltrates your yard while gardening or just enjoying your yard and you don't see them till they strike, you need to know which ones could be a deadly bite, to seek immediate medical attention.


Also, in the summer more people tend to jog, hike or just enjoy walking through a wooded setting, where they may be more likely to encounter one.


We have found one in our back yard, with the behind of a big frog in his mouth.......we saved the frog.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

Every year a gun club in North Central Pennsylvania has a snake hunt. So the guys go out and hunt rattlesnakes. The Snake Hunt is run by the Pennsylvania Fish and Game Commission. The guys bring back the snakes they find. And then the snakes are all "milked". Then the snakes are all released back.


They also show the snakes and talk about them to everyone and of course there is food. 

We generally go because it is interesting and the food is good. And it is nice to support all their effort. 

Thanks for the education about Coral Snakes. We don't have them but it doesn't hurt to know. So sad it took 40 hours for him to get the anti-venom.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!



That's the best part of catching and milking snakes, to make anti-venom!


It's very expensive and not that much is available.


Having been through the anti-venom treatment, I speak from experience.


And I never even saw him, until he bit me.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

@KingstonsMom wrote:



That's the best part of catching and milking snakes, to make anti-venom!


It's very expensive and not that much is available.


Having been through the anti-venom treatment, I speak from experience.


And I never even saw him, until he bit me.



I am sorry to hear you were bitten. But glad you got the anti-venom. That must have been one educational experience. Thanks for passing on the pictures and saying about red touching yellow.


We have a cabin in North Central Pennsylvania. And do alot of hiking. Plus my husband joined a group that is hiking the Appalachian Trail. And he was saying alot of people don't know what kind of snake bit them.  

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

I happen to love snakes, I find them beautiful,,,we do have a lot of rattle-snakes around here though...I relocate them away from our home

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

We've had run-ins w/copperheads and cottonmouths; I avoid high brush for that reason and also due to ticks.