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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

@Kachina624 wrote:

@dex wrote:

@fourpaws56@You are a much kinder person than me.I would be happy to know that one snake was out of the picture for my grandkids and family safety.

@dex.  Just think of all the mice and other varmints thst snake could have eliminated.  They are very important for rodent control.

Thanks. but I prefer the mice and other varmints... Smiley Surprised

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

Wow that would freak me out seeing snakes on my property!  


We've been in this neighborhood for 26 years and the only snakes that I've ever seen were two small garden snakes.  One was so small it looked like a huge worm.


I'm grateful to live in an area where it's rare.  I'm in south eastern PA. and we don't see many poisonous snakes.  We also don't have scorpions, tarantulas, or alligators ....whenever I go visit my mother in south Florida I see mention of alligators as a dangerous nuisance at least once during my visit when watching the local news each year.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

@dex wrote:

@Sooner When I visit my son in OK. I have seen some very large scary looking snakes especially by the fishing pond.I don’t feel comfortable working in his flower beds...saw a scorpion too.I agree stay away.

Yes we DO have some nasty snakes!  And I HATE scorpions!  They are so scary looking even if you don't get stung by one.  

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

@Kachina624 wrote:

@dex wrote:

@fourpaws56@You are a much kinder person than me.I would be happy to know that one snake was out of the picture for my grandkids and family safety.

@dex.  Just think of all the mice and other varmints thst snake could have eliminated.  They are very important for rodent control.

@Kachina624   My yard is a snake free zone.  I don't have rodent trouble either.  

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

@haddon9 wrote:

Wow that would freak me out seeing snakes on my property!  


We've been in this neighborhood for 26 years and the only snakes that I've ever seen were two small garden snakes.  One was so small it looked like a huge worm.


I'm grateful to live in an area where it's rare.  I'm in south eastern PA. and we don't see many poisonous snakes.  We also don't have scorpions, tarantulas, or alligators ....whenever I go visit my mother in south Florida I see mention of alligators as a dangerous nuisance at least once during my visit when watching the local news each year.

@haddon9  Tarantulas don't bother me at all.  We had them out in the driveway pretty when I was growing up.  Never felt threatened by one. 

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!



Here's a coral snake my husband found on our driveway in FL - at first glance he thought it was a jump rope from our two little neighbor girls.  He said it was extremely aggressive, so he killed it.  We took the picture to determine what kind of snake it was.


Shortly after this, we converted our heavily shrubbed, ground covered and mulched landscaping to a rock beds with a few schrubs.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

@Sooner . I have always (from the time I was a little girl) been afraid of spiders & snakes.   I have an irrational fear of them and I'm glad I don't live in an area where they (tarantulas) live.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

Spiders don't really bother me so much nor do the little furry things, though rats are pretty disgusting. I don't even really mind lizards, but do not ever think you're being cute by dangling a snake anywhere near me. I'm liable to throw up, pass out, or both... Maybe it's crazy, but I'm revolted by them. My mother is the same way, so maybe it's a learned phobia. Regardless, it's real.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

Speaking of spiders/webs, I have  t-shirt that says:


'I did a week's worth of cardio after walking through a spider web'.

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Re: Summer's Here, Know Your Snakes!

Back in the 90’s we had issues with garter snakes under our deck.   Apparently we had more than one female give birth under there, because we killed snakes all summer.   That was when I learned female garter snakes can have as many as 40 babies, and it was not unusual to look out the screen door and see 5+ snakes sunning on the deck!   Even though they weren’t dangerous, they were a nuisance, and had to go.