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Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

We had a horrendous storm last night - straight line winds probably 70 mph or over - the trees were almost laying down in the wind.  Lots of huge trees down or snapped off this morning.  Horrible lightning and thunder the entire night.  Went without power for 5 hours, then on for 2, then off again for 2.  God bless all of the utility workers out in it trying to get our power restored, and they are back out on my street again today.  We don't give these men and women enough credit for their hard and dangerous work.  All of my neighbors came outside once it passed to check on each other.  I am blessed with good neighbors!  During the storm I could flashes in the distance - power poles going down or blowing.  Scary stuff!  Hope everyone in this area is okay.  Prepare east coast, it is headed your way - more expected here this afternoon and evening.  I didn't have my phone charged, couldn't get on my computer to see what was going on, had no candles available - be prepared!

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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

@hoosieroriginal, stay safe.  Hope it calms down for you there.


It's always a good idea to check on batteries and other power sources this time of year.  You never know when a storm will hit...


Good neighbors are a blessing!

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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

@hoosieroriginal  Your storm sounds horrendous but it's kind of meaningless unless we know where this occurred. 

New Mexico☀️Land Of Enchantment
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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

@hoosieroriginal So glad to hear you are safe, storms are very scary and those straight line winds can be very damaging, we had two 30 foot Maple trees that the wind uprooted fall onto our roof  one year, hundreds of dollars of damage.


Be safe everyone!

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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

Aperson living in the south,and mid west, really should have a basement ,so many new homes do not have them.

When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

Puts me in mind of a dreadful storm we had several years ago - a "derecho" is what they called it.  We were several days without power.  Trees down all over the place.  Hope we never have to go through that agaiin.  Good luck to you, OP.   Hope you don't have to go through that again any time soon!

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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

@Kachina624 wrote:

@hoosieroriginal  Your storm sounds horrendous but it's kind of meaningless unless we know where this occurred. 


When you lose some one you L~O~V~E, that Memory of them, becomes a TREASURE.
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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

[ Edited ]

hoosieroriginal, so glad you and your neighbors are doing okay after this storm.  About five years ago, our area learned a new meteorological term -- "derecho" -- that tore through our neck of the woods.  It was characterized by the same features as the storm that tore up your area.


Did your local newscasters use this term to describe the weather occurrence you experienced?


Never heard of it before the night it hit us in Northern Virginia.


ETA:  krimpette, only by reading hoosieroriginal's response to you did I realize that you already brought up the "derecho."  That's what I get for not reading all previous posts, but I typically don't like to do that.


Excuse, please...

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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

So glad you're OK, hoosieroriginal.

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Re: Straight line winds last night - unprepared...

@Kachina624 wrote:

@hoosieroriginal  Your storm sounds horrendous but it's kind of meaningless unless we know where this occurred. 

@Kachina624 - Indiana and surrounding states.