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@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

@Just Bling wrote:



I'm that person who was watching you drive. 


I would suggest watching the road ahead of you.

The law stipulates that.

You watch the road ahead of you, you see to both sides and behind you because you are equipped with mirrors.


No one keeps their eyes riveted on the road ahead if they are defensive drivers.  They have to have 360 vision.  


Surely we all know this.  If not, you need to go back to Driver Ed.

But people will say this person was texting without seeing the device.

The assumption was made because someone was looking down. 


If I see someone in my rear view mirror, you can barely make out

the gender of the driver, much less if they were on a cell phone. 


And yes, peripheral vision is paramount, but there’s no way 

peripheral vision would allow someone to determine the driver

beside them is 60mph...without you actually taking

your eyes off the road.  Funny how people will try to justify

their distracted driving over someone else’s distracted driving. 

Same = Same. 

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The only time I text or check FB while driving is if I am by myself in the car and I am in line at McDonald's or waiting for a train.

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@sidsmom wrote:


Now we’re blaming all this on women?

Well, ok then......





Not me!







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DH was driving and we were going down a road and he hit a huge hole - big big bump. I was not paying any attention to what he had been doing when he should have been driving . He said GEEz - they could fix that $^$^&* hole & I said " You know watching the road is an excellant way to avoid hitting a hole like that." and he gave me the ugliest stink eye look. Meanwhile If I was driving and had hit that hole he'd go ballistic and then be miserable & pouting. He always is looking in the mirror - pays way more attention to the cars behind him than the road he's driving on. My point is - there are all kinds of distracted driving.

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@151949 wrote:

DH was driving and we were going down a road and he hit a huge hole - big big bump. I was not paying any attention to what he had been doing when he should have been driving . He said GEEz - they could fix that $^$^&* hole & I said " You know watching the road is an excellant way to avoid hitting a hole like that." and he gave me the ugliest stink eye look. Meanwhile If I was driving and had hit that hole he'd go ballistic and then be miserable & pouting. He always is looking in the mirror - pays way more attention to the cars behind him than the road he's driving on. My point is - there are all kinds of distracted driving.



@151949  Was dh texting when he hit the bump in the road? That’s the discussion here. Thanks.

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As a society, we are obsessed with our smart phones.  As many of you have mentioned, I've observed people on the interstate traveling in excess of 70 mph looking at their phones, not the other vehicles around them.  

Several years ago, my daughter treated me to a trip to NYC and a Broadway show.  At intermission, everyone around us brought out their phones, we couldn't believe it. We have lost the ability to have one on one conversations with people we are with.  Instead of discussing the show with their companions, the phone people had to text someone.  Yes, there were probably some who needed to check on children, business, etc.,  but not virtually everyone  in the theater except us.  DD and I sat and chatted with each other, face to face! 

BTW, our son calls the phone obsessed people "phoneys"! 

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@January121 wrote:

I don’t know what is so important in their lives that they can’t wait until they get to their destination to use the phone .... I know this is going to sound mean & offend some people but, if they cause an accident I hope they are the one to get seriously hurt & not the other innocent driver ... 🤨





When things like this happen, I do not consider them accidents. I look at them and other similar causes as vehicles needlessly colliding because something other than driving was more important to the person behind the steering wheel than driving. And the price many times is very high, and I am not talking about $$$$.










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Registered: ‎04-18-2013

@sidsmom wrote:

@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@sidsmom wrote:

@Just Bling wrote:



I'm that person who was watching you drive. 


I would suggest watching the road ahead of you.

The law stipulates that.

You watch the road ahead of you, you see to both sides and behind you because you are equipped with mirrors.


No one keeps their eyes riveted on the road ahead if they are defensive drivers.  They have to have 360 vision.  


Surely we all know this.  If not, you need to go back to Driver Ed.

But people will say this person was texting without seeing the device.

The assumption was made because someone was looking down. 


If I see someone in my rear view mirror, you can barely make out

the gender of the driver, much less if they were on a cell phone. 


And yes, peripheral vision is paramount, but there’s no way 

peripheral vision would allow someone to determine the driver

beside them is 60mph...without you actually taking

your eyes off the road.  Funny how people will try to justify

their distracted driving over someone else’s distracted driving. 

Same = Same. 

I sure saw the phone in the guy's hand when he rearended me at a stop sign (he told me "I thought you had already gone").  I saw it clearly in my rearview mirror as he hit me.  He admitted it afterwards.  He could have pushed me into oncoming traffic.


I see phones on tops of steering wheels in cars to the side of me.


I've seen people waving their phones at one another in same car as they are whizzing past me, drifting into other lanes.


I see very well what is happening with phones and texting in cars.


I don't know why you don't. 


Listening to my radio while driving is no comparison to someone texting and driving.  No comparison at all.  So really, stop already with the "whatabout" isms.



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@PhilaLady1 wrote:

Call me old fashioned, but people should not be doing anything in their vehicles except driving.   Cars have become entertainment centers  So far removed from their intended use, which is simply a machine made to get you from one place to another.





I agree with you, and people can call me whatever they choose. And the original intent of the invention by Alexander Graham Bell's telephone, was to transfer audio, which is to Talk!





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@QueenDanceALot wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

@willomenia wrote:

@CrazyDaisy wrote:

If they are stopped at a light, what harm is that doing?

your eyes aren't looking at the road around you thats the harm. besides, how important is that text anyway? 

You are stopped at  red light, why would you need to be looking at the road?

Because you are supposed to be paying attention to what is going on around you when you are operating a vehicle.  Everything is not just standing still because you happen to be stopped at a light.


I rarely say "duh", but "DUH!"

Operating a vehicle and sitting at a dead stop are two different things. 


Checking a text, looking at GPS, etc is not putting anyone in danger.  You are not moving.

Someday, when scientists discover the center of the Universe....some people will be disappointed it is not them.