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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

I just spent some of my $1200 by investing in myself for my future plans.  Of course that enriched Amazon too.  😂.   But hopefully me in my new career.  

For those of you uncomfortable with taking money without being affected, remember it's your tax money they're giving back to you.  Whether you paid it now or in the past, don't be afraid to accept what you worked hard for over the years.  Bless those who are willing to share.  ❤️  

BTW, if anyone would like to be my "kid" for tax purposes, I'm offering a 50-50 split.  For legal purposes, that's a joke.  Bail will only be a 10% cut off the top....🤣😉

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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

@PamfromCT wrote:

@hckynut, What sweet names for your fur Babies!  Lily was the name of our kitty who passed last year.

Someday I may tell everyone the back story of Winston,  it you will get a laugh at this one.  You get to hear it now.

I saw Winston’s picture on an adoption site and fell in love.  He’s a pale orange, golden eyes, just furry enough, with a big bushy tail.  I called the shelter and found out that they were finding him hard to place.  Whoever came to see him, he always just ignored them.  One lady, I was told, even brought him poached chicken.  No dice.  And I was told there was a line of people in line to see him.  But we did speak for a while.


The next day she called me back and offered to jump us to the head of the line.  We sat on the floor, and Winston came up to us and kissed us several times!  Kismet!  When we arrived to take him home, he actually crawled into the kitty carrier on his own.


He’s a joy, and we love him to pieces!  He wants to be with us all the time.





Winston obviously has Great taste.

Please post a photo of him!

"Animals are not my whole world, but they have made my world whole" ~ Roger Caras
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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

@89135 wrote:

@StrayIf I have had to pay the last 2 years and never got a refund will I still get a check..Would they have my info from the payment I made from my bank

@89135 - I'm in the same boat plus I pay estimated tax.  If you are retired and your SS retirement check is direct deposit, you should be ok.  Tho I didn't receive it yet and I filed and paid for 2019 already.  

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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

@pigletsmom wrote:

@luvmyteddy4 Yours should go right into whatever account you have your SS deposited into. You shouln't have to do anything.

I hope so I'm still waiting!

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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

and still waiting...

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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

Has anyone not gotten yet? I still have not!

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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday


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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

Finally got mine the 15th.

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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

Got mine this week from snail mail.  Bought one chick-fil-a sandwich (no fires or drink) that afternoon and put the rest in savings.

"Live frugally, but love extravagantly."
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Re: Stimulus Checks To Start Arriving Wednesday

I thought they were going to do debit- cards now; that was on the news last night.