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Re: So, why are there no.......

[ Edited ]

@Dusty1 wrote:

Ok. First of all if we are talking about the Sotyktu Commercial (And I guess we are because of the comments about the daughter  being "embarrassed" by her Dad.) that guy is not fat or obese. He is just a regular dude to me. He would look fine in a pair of shorts or swim trunks but gets the point across in his smaller suit.

That isn't the commercial that I was thinking of at all.

The one I saw was a commercial with an older man on a beach chair with a coconut drink on his tummy that rolls off when he falls asleep. 

I have no idea what it is for.

I am still surprised by the comments about this commercial, though. 

I may have been a bit harsh in my comments & I apologize but I do think people are somewhat mean about other people's bodies.

And I don't even know what to make of a comment like "Besides, a man puts on a Speedo and he gets what he gets..."

Is that like "She was asking for it with that short skirt."


Make of it whatever you like. Speedos rarely flatter even young, attractive, athletic men and it sure didn't flatter the actor in question. So yea, anyone putting something on that clearly doesn't flatter them can expect opinions will be tendered, but no, that is clearly not the same as indicating anyone warrants being physically or sexually assaulted based on what they're wearing and I don't honestly think that even needs to be said. It's fine to try to make a valid point, but it's also sort of unfortunate when one tries to stretch a point so far that it just becomes foolish.

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Re: So, why are there no.......

@Trinity11 wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:


Do you know what it does to people when you body shame? I do.


I've lost 80 pounds. I remember the countless nasty comments, ridicule, and body shaming. It changes a person and takes a huge toll that doesn't go away when weight is lost.


I'd happily take an out of shape or heavy-set man with a good heart/fun energy over someone who shames him for his size.


Body shaming reflects on you and it's not a good look.

For myself I would not care how great shape that clod would be. I hate Speedos on men and his daughter was embarrassed with him walking around in it at home and out in public. She cringed and that alone was offensive about that commercial. 



The dad and mom missed a great opportunity to educate their daughter on kindness and diversity.

Kindness? Diversity? He can do that with some clothes on not dressed in a Speedo. She was embarrassed by his lack of clothing.🥺


Have you been out of the house lately? You can see a lot worse at the grocery store, mall, concert, beach, etc etc. People should not be body shamed, ever.

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Re: So, why are there no.......

@stevieb wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

'Correct' or not, I can't get past that plus size man wearing the red bikini advertising one pharmaceutical or another. Really, not something I want to see nor do I think it's helping to market their drug. Representative, inclusive or not, I guess I preferred the old days when models were fit and attractive.


The fat gut in the   I think it's for eczema medication.  Everything I see it, I wonder why the speedo.  


That's the one and yea, why the Speedo... I mean come on, who needs to see that...

I agree with you both on that one but why is is ok to say it for male models but if we say it for females we are crucified.  

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Re: So, why are there no.......

@lgfan wrote:
What does kindness and diversity have to do with seeing your dad walking around in a bathing suit that makes him look like a packed sausage.😳

I wondered the same thing!  Maybe that is the "kind" way of saying someone is overweight and underdressed?!?!?

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Re: So, why are there no.......

@CalminHeart wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:

@Trinity11 wrote:

@CalminHeart wrote:


Do you know what it does to people when you body shame? I do.


I've lost 80 pounds. I remember the countless nasty comments, ridicule, and body shaming. It changes a person and takes a huge toll that doesn't go away when weight is lost.


I'd happily take an out of shape or heavy-set man with a good heart/fun energy over someone who shames him for his size.


Body shaming reflects on you and it's not a good look.

For myself I would not care how great shape that clod would be. I hate Speedos on men and his daughter was embarrassed with him walking around in it at home and out in public. She cringed and that alone was offensive about that commercial. 



The dad and mom missed a great opportunity to educate their daughter on kindness and diversity.

Kindness? Diversity? He can do that with some clothes on not dressed in a Speedo. She was embarrassed by his lack of clothing.🥺


Have you been out of the house lately? You can see a lot worse at the grocery store, mall, concert, beach, etc etc. People should not be body shamed, ever.

I have NEVER seen ANYONE in ANY place you mentionrd wearing anyhing close to what that overweight, out of shape man wears in the commercial. Men built like him should NOT wear speedos EVER.

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Re: So, why are there no.......

@stevieb "Besides, a man puts on a Speedo and he gets what he gets..."


I am not saying it is wrong not to enjoy looking at a man in a Speedo.

I am saying it may be a bit strong to say "if you wear something that makes me react some way, then it is your fault".

Of course, as long as we have eye sight we are going to judge people depending on what we find appealing.

I realize that it is a commercial & not real life. The Speedo & the daughter are both part of a script.

Obviously this conversation brings out strong feelings in people. About Speedos & about how freely we judge other people's bodies & our right to speak about those feelings.


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Re: So, why are there no.......


"@lgfan wrote:
What does kindness and diversity have to do with seeing your dad walking around in a bathing suit that makes him look like a packed sausage.😳

I wondered the same thing!  Maybe that is the "kind" way of saying someone is overweight and underdressed?!?!?"



My statement is not about a man's weight it is about how tight and skimpy the Speedo is on a man.  I don't care what a man's weight is Speedos are not an attractive look.

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Re: So, why are there no.......

Some of you are taking tv commercial way too seriously.

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Re: So, why are there no.......

[ Edited ]

@bargainsgirl wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

@chrystaltree wrote:

@stevieb wrote:

'Correct' or not, I can't get past that plus size man wearing the red bikini advertising one pharmaceutical or another. Really, not something I want to see nor do I think it's helping to market their drug. Representative, inclusive or not, I guess I preferred the old days when models were fit and attractive.


The fat gut in the   I think it's for eczema medication.  Everything I see it, I wonder why the speedo.  


That's the one and yea, why the Speedo... I mean come on, who needs to see that...

I agree with you both on that one but why is is ok to say it for male models but if we say it for females we are crucified.  

Because you've got a lot of supposedly infinitely 'kind' zealots, willing to crucify you for having an opinion, particularly about 'other women'... Smiley Wink Personally, I choose when to keep my mouth shut and when I choose to express an opinion, and refuse to be cowed by the potential crucifiers... Smiley Happy

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Re: So, why are there no.......

@ellaphant, I totally agree with you, it missed it's mark for sure. The husband doesn't have Psoriasis, his wife does.