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Registered: ‎03-20-2010

Re: So...this just happened...

[ Edited ]

WOW.....Willow may be tiny but she's a mighty mite with a lot of courage to face that Buck. And  I think the Buck was just curious about this tiny creature and her intentions and found out Willow wasnt interested in the deer's carrot treats.....hence a peaceful meeting...

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Registered: ‎03-09-2010

Re: So...this just happened...

@MamaWick ---that pic reminds of something similar that my cat Echo went thru ----she is an indoor cat but is leash/harness trained and we go outside together--she can go down on the grass and the same thing happened with a young doe while she was on the leash---have a creek and all the critters go there to drink--but this doe was so fascinated with  the cat on a leash that she came up closer to Echo for a sniff--got it on video on my phone---and she came back a few times and did the same thing---was hysterical

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Registered: ‎07-11-2012

Re: So...this just happened...


@MamaWick  Truly, if i could give this a thousand hearts i would. So very sweet! Heart

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